\chapter{Summary of Error Messages} \label{summary_of_errors} \begin{tabular}{| l | c | c | c |} \hline \bf Error & \bf Command & \bf Section & \bf Page \\ \hline Invalid date & {\tt date} & \ref{date_cmd} & \pageref{date_cmd} \\ \hline No prompt specified & {\tt prompt} & \ref{prompt_cmd} & \pageref{prompt_cmd} \\ \hline No prompt specified & {\tt alias} & \ref{alias_cmd} & \pageref{alias_cmd} \\ \hline Error: No program found with that name & {\tt load} & \ref{load_cmd} & \pageref{load_cmd} \\ \hline Error: Insufficient memory & {\tt load} & \ref{load_cmd} & \pageref{load_cmd} \\ \hline Error: Could not load program into memory & {\tt load} & \ref{load_cmd} & \pageref{load_cmd} \\ \hline Warning: invalid priority specified, using default & {\tt load} & \ref{load_cmd} & \pageref{load_cmd} \\ \hline Error: No free PCBs & {\tt load} & \ref{load_cmd} & \pageref{load_cmd} \\ \hline Error: Unable to build PCB & {\tt load} & \ref{load_cmd} & \pageref{load_cmd} \\ \hline No process named $x$ & {\tt resume} & \ref{resume_cmd} & \pageref{resume_cmd} \\ \hline Error: process did not load correctly & {\tt run} & \ref{run_cmd} & \pageref{run_cmd} \\ \hline No process with the specified name & {\tt suspend} & \ref{suspend_cmd} & \pageref{suspend_cmd} \\ \hline No process with the specified name & {\tt terminate} & \ref{terminate_cmd} & \pageref{terminate_cmd} \\ \hline Error: invalid priority & {\tt setpriority} & \ref{setpriority_cmd} & \pageref{setpriority_cmd} \\ \hline Error: invalid process name. & {\tt setpriority} & \ref{setpriority_cmd} & \pageref{setpriority_cmd} \\ \hline Error setting clock & {\tt clock} & \ref{clock_cmd} & \pageref{clock_cmd} \\ \hline \end{tabular}