{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

{{ beer_data.brewer if beer_data != None else 'DELICOUS BREWER' }}

{{ beer_data.name if beer_data != None else 'DELICOUS BEER' }}

Parent Style Specific Style Alcohol by Volume
{{ beer_data.parent_style if beer_data != None else 'ASS BEER' }} {{ beer_data.base_style if beer_data != None else 'TURBO ASS BEER' }} {{ beer_data.abv if beer_data != None else 'BETWEEN 0 and 100' }} (drinks like: {{beer_data.drinks_like|round(2)}})

Show me beers which are

{% if direction and attr %}
Beers like {{ beer_data.name }} but {{ direction }} {{ attr }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}