rollRoll dice Ben4 years
ghsshauthUse the SSH public keys you've added to GitHub to log in to your machines. Ben4 years
zipserverA super slim and speedy JSON API that returns location info about ZIP codes usin...Ben4 years
confA simple dotfile manager Ben4 years
howtochooseapassword.comAn informative website about how to choose good passwords. Ben4 years
caesarImplementation of the Caesar cipher for a talk on testing Ben4 years
medicmate.ioMedicMate marketing site Ben4 years
streetsQuickly get directions for responding to an emergency Ben4 years
wxWeather tools Ben4 years
solfegeSolfège is a system of assigning syllables to musical pitches. This project att...Ben4 years
hashimgWritten for the Boston Golang "Chopped" meetup, using a "basket" of standard lib...Ben5 years
itoa101527 => 'one hundred one thousand five hundred twenty seven' (in JavaScript) Ben4 years
localchatA small LAN chat client written in C. Ben4 years
programming-languagesCode for CSI-310 Programming Languages Ben4 years
mpxA small academic operating system to explore OS-related concepts Ben4 years
benburwell.comMy website Ben4 years
gohuePhillips Hue API client in Go. Ben4 years
pevMirror of postgres explain visualizer Ben4 years
cashierMirror of Cashier, a SSH Certificate Authority (CA). Ben4 years
curlcURL mirror with patches applied Ben4 years
aercMirror of Ben4 years
active911Unofficial npm package for accessing the Active911 API. Ben4 years
pgqtA PostgreSQL query tuner Ben5 years
phluxFlux for Phillips Hue bulbs. Ben4 years
ten-ninetyJava client/visualizer for SBS data from 1090 MHz ADS-B transmissions. Ben4 years
wxcliAn aviation weather CLI Ben4 years
similar.beerWeekend hack: Beer similarity website Ben4 years
domlA JavaScript runtime for ASTs encoded as HTML DOM nodes. A really silly hack. Ben4 years
dotfilesThe current iteration of my dotfiles Ben5 years
pass-auditAudit your password-store with Have I Been Pwned to see whether any passwords ha...Ben4 years
goredirA go package redirector Ben4 years
cdcCardDAV address completion Ben4 years
csp_exporterA Prometheus exporter for Content Security Policy Violation Reports Ben4 years
gosumdbauditGo checksum database auditor Ben4 years
scotland-yardA command line program to help you play Scotland Yard more intelligently by figu...Ben4 years