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4 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md
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index 0000000..a77e2bf
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+++ b/LICENSE.md
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+Copyright 2013 Ben Burwell
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+++ b/README.md
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+Active911 for Node.js
+by Ben Burwell <bburwell1@gmail.com>
+Add `active911` to your dependencies and run `npm install`. You can use it in your project by using
+ var active911 = require('active911')('YOUR_APP_KEY', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
+ active911.ping(function (err) {
+ if (err) {
+ return console.log('Could not connect to Active911: ' + err);
+ }
+ console.log('Connection to Active911 established.');
+ });
+The `active911` package provides support for the current Active911 API functions. We follow the standard Node.js pattern of `function(options, callback(error, data))`. If an error occurs, the first parameter of the callback will contain the error message. Otherwise, the first parameter will be false and the second parameter will contain the API response.
+### `ping(callback)`
+The `ping` command checks that your API and app keys are valid on the server. It takes only a callback function with a parameter for errors.
+### `getDevice(device_id, callback)`
+Returns some data about the device associated with the `device_id`.
+Example response:
+ {
+ "response_action" : "watch",
+ "response_alert_id" : 4681099,
+ "lat" : 44.541404,
+ "name" : "Joseph Sullivan",
+ "position_accuracy" : 30,
+ "response_stamp" : 1371315741,
+ "device_id" : 2435,
+ "position_stamp" : 1371463606,
+ "device_type" : "smartphone",
+ "lon" : -123.364192
+ }
+### `getAlert(alert_id, callback)`
+Returns data about the alert associated with the `alert_id`.
+Example response:
+ {
+ "source" : "",
+ "priority" : "F3",
+ "cad_code" : "",
+ "lat" : 44.5379997,
+ "place" : "",
+ "agency_id" : 3,
+ "state" : "OR",
+ "map_code" : "",
+ "city" : "Philomath",
+ "timestamp" : 1369781684,
+ "address" : "100 S. 16th ST",
+ "description" : "Cat in tree",
+ "details" : "",
+ "unit" : "",
+ "lon" : -123.3634479,
+ "cross_street" : "",
+ "alert_id" : 4264162,
+ "units" : ""
+ }
+### `getLocations(north, south, east, west, callback)`
+Returns an array of locations that exist within the area bounded by `north`, `south`, `east`, and `west`. The parameters should be floating point numbers representing the latitude or longitude, whichever is appropriate for the compass direction.
+For example,
+ active911.getLocations(46.12345, 44.54321, -122.00021, -124.132132, function (err, locations) {
+ if (err) {
+ return console.log('Unable to retrieve locations: ' + err);
+ }
+ console.log('Returned ' + locations.length + ' locations.');
+ });
+Example response:
+ [
+ {
+ "resources" : [],
+ "lat" : 44.540121,
+ "name" : "Pinehurst Memorial",
+ "agency_id" : 3,
+ "icon_filename" : "icon-flag.png",
+ "description" : "Main Station Hosp.\nNear the depot\n5 entrances",
+ "id" : 175,
+ "lon" : -123.367601,
+ "icon_color" : "blue"
+ },
+ {
+ "resources" : [
+ {
+ "extension" : "jpg",
+ "title" : "Photo",
+ "id" : 5,
+ "details" : "",
+ "size" : 963979
+ }
+ ],
+ "lat" : 44.541252,
+ "name" : "Hydrant",
+ "agency_id" : 3,
+ "icon_filename" : "icon-hydrant.png",
+ "description" : "15th & College",
+ "id" : 700,
+ "lon" : -123.364689,
+ "icon_color" : "red"
+ }
+ ]
+Contributions are encouraged. For a list of open issues, see <https://github.com/bburwell/active911/issues>.
+More Information
+More information about the API is available on [the Active911 Github wiki](https://github.com/active911/open-api/wiki).
diff --git a/active911.js b/active911.js
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index 0000000..577e47e
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+++ b/active911.js
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+var http = require('http');
+var querystring = require('querystring');
+module.exports = function (app_key, api_key) {
+ // this is used to run all server commands
+ var server_command = function (data, callback) {
+ // add keys to the POST request
+ data.app_key = app_key;
+ data.api_key = api_key;
+ // convert the object to a querystring for POSTing
+ var post = querystring.stringify(data);
+ // HTTP request configuration
+ var options = {
+ host: 'localhost',
+ port: '5000',
+ path: '/api',
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-Length': post.length;
+ }
+ };
+ // set up the request
+ var request = http.request(options, function (res) {
+ res.setEncoding('utf8');
+ var json = '';
+ res.on('data', function (chunk) {
+ json += chunk;
+ });
+ res.on('end', function () {
+ var response = JSON.parse(json);
+ if (response.result === 'error') {
+ callback(response.message);
+ } else {
+ return callback(false, response.message);
+ }
+ });
+ res.on('error', function (err) {
+ callback(err);
+ });
+ });
+ request.write(post);
+ request.end();
+ };
+ return {
+ ping: function (callback) {
+ var options = {
+ 'operation': 'ping'
+ };
+ server_command(options, callback);
+ },
+ getDevice: function (device_id, callback) {
+ var options = {
+ 'operation': 'get_device',
+ 'device_id': device_id
+ };
+ server_command(options, callback);
+ },
+ getAlert: function (alert_id, callback) {
+ var options = {
+ 'operation': 'get_alert',
+ 'alert_id': alert_id
+ };
+ server_command(options, callback);
+ },
+ getLocations: function (north, south, east, west, callback) {
+ var options = {
+ 'operation': 'get_locations',
+ 'north': north,
+ 'south': south,
+ 'east': east,
+ 'west': west
+ };
+ // use an intermediate callback to extract the location array
+ server_command(options, function (err, response) {
+ if (err) {
+ return callback(err);
+ } else {
+ return callback(err, response.locations);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
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index 0000000..9cd0089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "name": "active911",
+ "version": "0.1.0",
+ "author": "Ben Burwell <bburwell1@gmail.com>",
+ "description": "A simple interface to Active911",
+ "tags": [ "active911", "cad" ],
+ "main": "./active911.js",
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "https://github.com/bburwell/active911.git"
+ },
+ "bugs": {
+ "url": "https://github.com/bburwell/active911/issues"
+ },
+ "engines": {
+ "node": ">=0.10"
+ }