path: root/
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authorBen Burwell <>2019-08-05 23:39:28 -0400
committerBen Burwell <>2019-08-05 23:40:21 -0400
commit1baf94c686767eea75c551e1ae12c9acfb4fb98c (patch)
treeef2fabd7b30453d4f51a4a65d0d9b3b87ca18683 /
parent2b8fa7b0266d846c8728a65a9fb0bdefc6d48436 (diff)
Move FreeBSD posts to blog
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 178 deletions
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-title: Notes on setting up a FreeBSD home server
-# Notes on setting up a FreeBSD home server
-## 2018-09-17: Prologue
-A few months ago, I purchased a beefy second-hand tower to act as a home server.
-I was looking to bring some of the services that I was previously outsourcing
-into a single location, and to expand my familiarity with networking and systems
-administration. Specifically, I wanted to:
-- Replace the small DigitalOcean box that I was using as a VPN/proxy when I
- needed to use public WiFi
-- Stop paying for a GitHub subscription to host private repositories
-- Have a better home media and file sharing/backup solution
-- Host a Minecraft server (nothing too serious, I occasionally play with a few
- friends)
-- Have a stable home for various VMs that I spin up as part of my security lab
- (I've been playing around with pen testing and trying to learn more about
- Windows as a part of this).
-My initial solution was to install a free version of VMWare ESXi as a hypervisor
-and create several virtual machines. It was actually quite easy to get ESXi up
-and running and start creating VMs. For the past several months, my home network
-has been completely routed through the server (it has dual Ethernet, so I'm
-using pfSense in a VM as my firewall/NAT/DHCP/etc), and I've spun up several VMs
-(mostly Ubuntu) for things like Gitlab and Minecraft.
-However, there are a few things that I don't quite like. I did have an incident
-following a power outage after my free trial of ESXi had expired but before I
-inputted my free license key in the UI. This resulted in my pfSense VM not
-auto-booting and due to some poor configuration on my part, I was unable to
-access the ESXi web UI to enter the license key without resetting the network
-settings through the ESXi console. This brings me to my second gripe: the ESXi
-web UI is _very_ buggy and overall pretty awful to use. Certain pages have to be
-reloaded to work properly, dialogs are randomly empty, etc. Thirdly, I've found
-myself creating a "general purpose" VM that I can SSH into remotely. While
-there's nothing explicitly _wrong_ with this, it just doesn't feel quite right
-to me to have a general purpose server that is completely parallel to my other
-server VMs.
-As a result of these shortcomings and learnings, I have decided to embark upon a
-journey towards further simplification and reliability. I'll be replacing ESXi
-with FreeBSD, a rock-solid operating system. Rather than running a utility VM,
-I'll simply have the FreeBSD system on the server itself as a "base of
-I plan to learn more about and use several tools during this process. Currently,
-I only have one 2 TB drive installed. I plan to add a second one and use zfs to
-create a mirrored vdev pool for redundancy. This will make me feel a lot better
-about using my server as a backup destination. Of course, this in itself is not
-a complete backup solution, but it's a significant step forward from just
-relying on a single disk. Rather than running pfSense in a VM, I plan to just
-use the ISC DHCP server from the ports collection and use the built-in `pf`
-firewall to accomplish just about everything I was using pfSense for. I'll
-likely also end up running a BIND DNS server for a few local network things.
-I am still learning about jails in FreeBSD, but I think they could replace a few
-of the VMs I have currently, such as the Minecraft and GitLab servers. I plan to
-use bhyve to run things like Windows VMs for pen testing that jails are clearly
-not suited for.
-I've used FreeBSD as my desktop OS in the past, and really love how it feels
-compared with GNU/Linux. Everything just seems more straightforward, and I was
-surprised to find that things like graphics drivers Just Work&trade; under
-FreeBSD where they require a lot of ugly finagling under Linux. I'm quite
-looking forward to using FreeBSD more often frequently, and gaining more depth
-in some of its great tools like jails and pf.
-To start making the transition (which might be a little painful), I've installed
-a fresh copy of FreeBSD 11.2 on a currently-unused machine to start poking
-around with zfs configurations, jails, and bhyve. This will give me the
-foundation I need to effectively set up my top-level environment and hopefully
-get it mostly right the first time. Incidentally, I'm also about half way
-through reading [The Book of PF]( from No Starch Press,
-which will no doubt be helpful in my transition from pfSense to pure pf.
-I intend to update this page with notes as I continue on my FreeBSD journey.
-Stay tuned!
-## 2018-09-20: Experiment 1: Jails
-In my preparations for removing ESXi, I tried creating a simple jail on my test
-box `helios`. As part of my purpose is to learn as much as possible, I decided
-against using a tool like `ezjail` in favor of doing it "by hand." While the
-FreeBSD Handbook has some information on creating jails without using additional
-tools, pretty much every other document I found suggested using ezjail. There's
-a chance I'll revisit ezjail in the future, as it seems to have some helpful
-features like having a "base jail" so you only need one copy of the FreeBSD base
-system, but for now I'd like to do as much as possible without additional tools.
-My goal for this experiment was to set up a simple web server (nginx) inside a
-jail. To start, I edited `/etc/jail.conf` to contain the following:
-www {
- host.hostname = www.local;
- ip4.addr =;
- path = "/usr/jail/www";
- exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
- exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";
-Next, I used `bsdinstall(8)` to install the base system instead of compiling
-from source:
-root@helios:~ # bsdinstall jail /usr/jail/www
-I then added `jail_enable="YES"` to `/etc/rc.conf` and started the jail:
-root@helios:~ # service jail start www
-This took a few seconds to complete, and then the jail showed up when I ran
-root@helios:~ # jls
- JID IP Address Hostname Path
- 1 www.local /usr/jail/www
-I was able to enter the jail:
-root@helios:~ # jexec www /bin/sh
-But I seem not to have Internet connectivity, as attempting to use `pkg-ng`
-# pkg install nginx
-The package management tool is not yet installed on your system.
-Do you want to fetch and install it now? [y/N]: y
-Bootstrapping pkg from pkg+, please wait...
-pkg: Error fetching Non-recoverable resolver failure
-A pre-built version of pkg could not be found for your system.
-Consider changing PACKAGESITE or installing it from ports: 'ports-mgmt/pkg'.
-Running `ifconfig` inside the jail shows that I do not seem to have an IP
-address, nor can I seem to communicate with any hosts. Interestingly when I
-attempt to ping my gateway, I get the message:
-ping: ssend socket: Operation not permitted
-Clearly there's something I've not yet figured out.
-## 2018-10-13: Experiment 2: Jail Networking Continued
-I decided to take another crack at the jail configuration I started in
-[Experiment 1](#2018-09-20-experiment-1-jails). After reading bits and pieces of
-a few random websites (including various ServerFault posts), on an inkling I
-added the line `interface = "bge0";` to my `/etc/jail.conf` file and ran
-`service jail restart www` (`bge0` is my LAN interface on the host). After
-`jexec`ing in, I tried `pkg install nginx` again and it worked like a charm!
-I also noticed that when I run `ifconfig` on my host now, both the original
- and the jail's addresses had been added to the `bge0`
-interface. I wondered whether that meant that I could now SSH into the host
-using the jail's IP address. So on my laptop, I ran `ssh bb@` and lo
-and behold, it worked. The opposite, however, is _not_ true: loading
- in a web browser does not give me the beautiful "welcome to
-nginx" page that has.
-I'm sure some trickier stuff will arise when dealing with NAT and multiple
-interfaces, but for now I'm satisfied that I have a basic understanding of how
-to set up a service in a jail and expose it to the network.