path: root/_posts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '_posts/')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_posts/ b/_posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8344c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+title: Migrating to GitHub Pages and Jekyll
+description: >
+ How I moved my website to GitHub Pages using the Jekyll static site generator
+ in under three hours.
+I’ve always been a fan of using
+[Markdown]( to create web content.
+Several years ago, I created [MDEngine](/projects/mdengine/), a small PHP script
+to render Markdown files in HTML dynamically. For a while, it was responsible
+for much of the content on my website. In October 2013, I began work on a fresh
+design. I decided to use a custom Node.js app deployed on Heroku for processing
+the Markdown. While this worked effectively, I always had some reservations.
+While my site was decently fast, there was no real reason that it needed to be
+dynamically generated. I was particularly concerned with the performance of the
+two list pages, whose backend logic consisted of parsing an entire directory of
+Markdown files each time it was loaded. Though there was no noticeable
+performance impact, it was not inconceivable that the page generation time would
+increase substantially as content grew.
+In late April 2014, I made some design updates to the site running on Heroku. I
+decided to take the opportunity to address my performance concerns as well.
+While my original intent was to simply clean up the server logic I had written,
+I realized that it would be more sustainable in the long term to migrate to a
+true static site using [Jekyll](
+## The Setup
+Installing Jekyll locally was a piece of cake; simply running `gem install jekyll` did the trick. I already had a placeholder page in my
+[ repo](,
+so I `cd`’d to the parent directory and ran `jekyll new` to
+overwrite the old content.
+For those unfamiliar with [GitHub Pages](, anything
+that you put in a repo named `[your username]` will automatically be
+served from that URL. You can also create branches named `gh-pages` in your
+other repos to serve project-specific sites. In addition to serving static
+content, GitHub Pages will automatically compile sites generated with Jekyll.
+## Porting Content
+Next came what was probably the most time-consuming part of the whole process:
+converting the [Jade]( layout into pure HTML with
+[Liquid]( markup. Luckily, this wasn’t too painful, and
+I came out with [two
+page structure and navigation, and the other for displaying Posts.
+My next challenge was to maintain my link structure so nothing would be broken.
+The one exception I conceded to was my résumé, a PDF file that I had been
+serving from `/resume/` using Express (admittedly a pretty poor idea). After
+exploring the Jekyll documentation, I discovered that an easy way to separate
+out my content into Writing and Projects as I’ve done on my site was to use the
+built-in category functionality. I would simply create two category pages at
+to render a list of posts from their respective categories, and tag each
+Markdown document with the appropriate category. The final step was to define my
+permalink structure in `_config.yml` which I did by adding `permalink: /:categories/:title/` to the file.
+I next had the pleasure of renaming all of my content files to adhere to
+Jekyll’s naming convention (`YYYY-MM-DD-hyphen-separated-title.markdown`) and
+adding/modifying the front matter as necessary.
+## Additional Configuration
+I decided to [enable the `jekyll-sitemap`
+by adding `jekyll-sitemap` as a gem to `_config.yml`. This plugin will generate
+[an XML sitemap]( that can be used by crawlers such as
+those run by search engines to help determine what content needs to be indexed.
+I moved my error page over and quickly translated the Jade to Markdown by
+[following the instructions provided by
+GitHub]( for creating a custom
+404 page. The only remaining issue was my stylesheet problem. In my Express app,
+I used [Less]( for writing my stylesheets. As of this
+writing, Jekyll does not support compiled stylesheet languages like Less, though
+[there is the suggestion of future support](
+for Sass and CoffeeScript.
+For now, I’m keeping my stylesheets in `/assets/less/` and compiling them down
+to a CSS file locally after making changes with `lessc --clean-css style.less ../css/style.css`. While this certainly isn’t perfect, it allows me to keep my
+Less files intact and to serve minified CSS.
+## Conclusion
+All in all, the process went very smoothly. I made [the first Jekyll
+at 18:52 and [changed my DNS records from
+at 21:20, spending about two and a half hours learning Jekyll and converting my
+site over. This is a pretty rapid deployment — kudos to Jekyll for building such
+an easy tool.
+As far as the future goes, I’d like to see GitHub pages provide native support
+for a stylesheet language, be it Less, Sass, or some other one. Additionally,
+I’d like to see an HTML minification plugin (a minor optimization, but not
+unreasonable). For the time being, I’m quite happily serving this site with
+GitHub Pages.