BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mastervim: add thesaurus pathBen Burwell5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-05-17vim: add thesaurus pathHEADmasterBen Burwell
2020-05-17alacritty: use zsh as shellBen Burwell
2020-05-08zsh: add $AWS_VAULT to promptBen Burwell
2020-05-08maven: Use github repository instead of virtyxBen Burwell
2020-03-12zsh: add .localrc to external scriptsBen Burwell
2020-03-12zsh: no autocdBen Burwell
2020-03-12git: clone github repos from ssh urls instead of httpsBen Burwell
2020-03-03alacritty: don't start tmux by defaultBen Burwell
2020-03-03zsh: add snap to path on linuxBen Burwell
2020-03-03alacritty: remove deprecated tabspacesBen Burwell