path: root/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr
diff options
authorNiall Sheridan <nsheridan@gmail.com>2019-07-07 21:33:44 +0100
committerNiall Sheridan <nsheridan@gmail.com>2019-07-07 21:33:44 +0100
commit8c12c6939aab9106db14ec2d11d983bc5b29fb2c (patch)
treef9dc8a7d167c6355e47a65c52d4eb7b9ea03e6c8 /vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr
parent0bd454cc448b812da6c693b451d86ff4cadbb6b2 (diff)
Switch to modules
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr/error.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr/error.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 56fdfc2..0000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr/error.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// Package awserr represents API error interface accessors for the SDK.
-package awserr
-// An Error wraps lower level errors with code, message and an original error.
-// The underlying concrete error type may also satisfy other interfaces which
-// can be to used to obtain more specific information about the error.
-// Calling Error() or String() will always include the full information about
-// an error based on its underlying type.
-// Example:
-// output, err := s3manage.Upload(svc, input, opts)
-// if err != nil {
-// if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
-// // Get error details
-// log.Println("Error:", awsErr.Code(), awsErr.Message())
-// // Prints out full error message, including original error if there was one.
-// log.Println("Error:", awsErr.Error())
-// // Get original error
-// if origErr := awsErr.OrigErr(); origErr != nil {
-// // operate on original error.
-// }
-// } else {
-// fmt.Println(err.Error())
-// }
-// }
-type Error interface {
- // Satisfy the generic error interface.
- error
- // Returns the short phrase depicting the classification of the error.
- Code() string
- // Returns the error details message.
- Message() string
- // Returns the original error if one was set. Nil is returned if not set.
- OrigErr() error
-// BatchError is a batch of errors which also wraps lower level errors with
-// code, message, and original errors. Calling Error() will include all errors
-// that occurred in the batch.
-// Deprecated: Replaced with BatchedErrors. Only defined for backwards
-// compatibility.
-type BatchError interface {
- // Satisfy the generic error interface.
- error
- // Returns the short phrase depicting the classification of the error.
- Code() string
- // Returns the error details message.
- Message() string
- // Returns the original error if one was set. Nil is returned if not set.
- OrigErrs() []error
-// BatchedErrors is a batch of errors which also wraps lower level errors with
-// code, message, and original errors. Calling Error() will include all errors
-// that occurred in the batch.
-// Replaces BatchError
-type BatchedErrors interface {
- // Satisfy the base Error interface.
- Error
- // Returns the original error if one was set. Nil is returned if not set.
- OrigErrs() []error
-// New returns an Error object described by the code, message, and origErr.
-// If origErr satisfies the Error interface it will not be wrapped within a new
-// Error object and will instead be returned.
-func New(code, message string, origErr error) Error {
- var errs []error
- if origErr != nil {
- errs = append(errs, origErr)
- }
- return newBaseError(code, message, errs)
-// NewBatchError returns an BatchedErrors with a collection of errors as an
-// array of errors.
-func NewBatchError(code, message string, errs []error) BatchedErrors {
- return newBaseError(code, message, errs)
-// A RequestFailure is an interface to extract request failure information from
-// an Error such as the request ID of the failed request returned by a service.
-// RequestFailures may not always have a requestID value if the request failed
-// prior to reaching the service such as a connection error.
-// Example:
-// output, err := s3manage.Upload(svc, input, opts)
-// if err != nil {
-// if reqerr, ok := err.(RequestFailure); ok {
-// log.Println("Request failed", reqerr.Code(), reqerr.Message(), reqerr.RequestID())
-// } else {
-// log.Println("Error:", err.Error())
-// }
-// }
-// Combined with awserr.Error:
-// output, err := s3manage.Upload(svc, input, opts)
-// if err != nil {
-// if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
-// // Generic AWS Error with Code, Message, and original error (if any)
-// fmt.Println(awsErr.Code(), awsErr.Message(), awsErr.OrigErr())
-// if reqErr, ok := err.(awserr.RequestFailure); ok {
-// // A service error occurred
-// fmt.Println(reqErr.StatusCode(), reqErr.RequestID())
-// }
-// } else {
-// fmt.Println(err.Error())
-// }
-// }
-type RequestFailure interface {
- Error
- // The status code of the HTTP response.
- StatusCode() int
- // The request ID returned by the service for a request failure. This will
- // be empty if no request ID is available such as the request failed due
- // to a connection error.
- RequestID() string
-// NewRequestFailure returns a new request error wrapper for the given Error
-// provided.
-func NewRequestFailure(err Error, statusCode int, reqID string) RequestFailure {
- return newRequestError(err, statusCode, reqID)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr/types.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr/types.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0202a00..0000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr/types.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-package awserr
-import "fmt"
-// SprintError returns a string of the formatted error code.
-// Both extra and origErr are optional. If they are included their lines
-// will be added, but if they are not included their lines will be ignored.
-func SprintError(code, message, extra string, origErr error) string {
- msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", code, message)
- if extra != "" {
- msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\t%s", msg, extra)
- }
- if origErr != nil {
- msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\ncaused by: %s", msg, origErr.Error())
- }
- return msg
-// A baseError wraps the code and message which defines an error. It also
-// can be used to wrap an original error object.
-// Should be used as the root for errors satisfying the awserr.Error. Also
-// for any error which does not fit into a specific error wrapper type.
-type baseError struct {
- // Classification of error
- code string
- // Detailed information about error
- message string
- // Optional original error this error is based off of. Allows building
- // chained errors.
- errs []error
-// newBaseError returns an error object for the code, message, and errors.
-// code is a short no whitespace phrase depicting the classification of
-// the error that is being created.
-// message is the free flow string containing detailed information about the
-// error.
-// origErrs is the error objects which will be nested under the new errors to
-// be returned.
-func newBaseError(code, message string, origErrs []error) *baseError {
- b := &baseError{
- code: code,
- message: message,
- errs: origErrs,
- }
- return b
-// Error returns the string representation of the error.
-// See ErrorWithExtra for formatting.
-// Satisfies the error interface.
-func (b baseError) Error() string {
- size := len(b.errs)
- if size > 0 {
- return SprintError(b.code, b.message, "", errorList(b.errs))
- }
- return SprintError(b.code, b.message, "", nil)
-// String returns the string representation of the error.
-// Alias for Error to satisfy the stringer interface.
-func (b baseError) String() string {
- return b.Error()
-// Code returns the short phrase depicting the classification of the error.
-func (b baseError) Code() string {
- return b.code
-// Message returns the error details message.
-func (b baseError) Message() string {
- return b.message
-// OrigErr returns the original error if one was set. Nil is returned if no
-// error was set. This only returns the first element in the list. If the full
-// list is needed, use BatchedErrors.
-func (b baseError) OrigErr() error {
- switch len(b.errs) {
- case 0:
- return nil
- case 1:
- return b.errs[0]
- default:
- if err, ok := b.errs[0].(Error); ok {
- return NewBatchError(err.Code(), err.Message(), b.errs[1:])
- }
- return NewBatchError("BatchedErrors",
- "multiple errors occurred", b.errs)
- }
-// OrigErrs returns the original errors if one was set. An empty slice is
-// returned if no error was set.
-func (b baseError) OrigErrs() []error {
- return b.errs
-// So that the Error interface type can be included as an anonymous field
-// in the requestError struct and not conflict with the error.Error() method.
-type awsError Error
-// A requestError wraps a request or service error.
-// Composed of baseError for code, message, and original error.
-type requestError struct {
- awsError
- statusCode int
- requestID string
-// newRequestError returns a wrapped error with additional information for
-// request status code, and service requestID.
-// Should be used to wrap all request which involve service requests. Even if
-// the request failed without a service response, but had an HTTP status code
-// that may be meaningful.
-// Also wraps original errors via the baseError.
-func newRequestError(err Error, statusCode int, requestID string) *requestError {
- return &requestError{
- awsError: err,
- statusCode: statusCode,
- requestID: requestID,
- }
-// Error returns the string representation of the error.
-// Satisfies the error interface.
-func (r requestError) Error() string {
- extra := fmt.Sprintf("status code: %d, request id: %s",
- r.statusCode, r.requestID)
- return SprintError(r.Code(), r.Message(), extra, r.OrigErr())
-// String returns the string representation of the error.
-// Alias for Error to satisfy the stringer interface.
-func (r requestError) String() string {
- return r.Error()
-// StatusCode returns the wrapped status code for the error
-func (r requestError) StatusCode() int {
- return r.statusCode
-// RequestID returns the wrapped requestID
-func (r requestError) RequestID() string {
- return r.requestID
-// OrigErrs returns the original errors if one was set. An empty slice is
-// returned if no error was set.
-func (r requestError) OrigErrs() []error {
- if b, ok := r.awsError.(BatchedErrors); ok {
- return b.OrigErrs()
- }
- return []error{r.OrigErr()}
-// An error list that satisfies the golang interface
-type errorList []error
-// Error returns the string representation of the error.
-// Satisfies the error interface.
-func (e errorList) Error() string {
- msg := ""
- // How do we want to handle the array size being zero
- if size := len(e); size > 0 {
- for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
- msg += fmt.Sprintf("%s", e[i].Error())
- // We check the next index to see if it is within the slice.
- // If it is, then we append a newline. We do this, because unit tests
- // could be broken with the additional '\n'
- if i+1 < size {
- msg += "\n"
- }
- }
- }
- return msg