path: root/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/go-sockaddr/ipv6addr.go
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authorNiall Sheridan <nsheridan@gmail.com>2019-07-07 21:33:44 +0100
committerNiall Sheridan <nsheridan@gmail.com>2019-07-07 21:33:44 +0100
commit8c12c6939aab9106db14ec2d11d983bc5b29fb2c (patch)
treef9dc8a7d167c6355e47a65c52d4eb7b9ea03e6c8 /vendor/github.com/hashicorp/go-sockaddr/ipv6addr.go
parent0bd454cc448b812da6c693b451d86ff4cadbb6b2 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/github.com/hashicorp/go-sockaddr/ipv6addr.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 591 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/go-sockaddr/ipv6addr.go b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/go-sockaddr/ipv6addr.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f4121..0000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/go-sockaddr/ipv6addr.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
-package sockaddr
-import (
- "bytes"
- "encoding/binary"
- "fmt"
- "math/big"
- "net"
-type (
- // IPv6Address is a named type representing an IPv6 address.
- IPv6Address *big.Int
- // IPv6Network is a named type representing an IPv6 network.
- IPv6Network *big.Int
- // IPv6Mask is a named type representing an IPv6 network mask.
- IPv6Mask *big.Int
-// IPv6HostPrefix is a constant represents a /128 IPv6 Prefix.
-const IPv6HostPrefix = IPPrefixLen(128)
-// ipv6HostMask is an unexported big.Int representing a /128 IPv6 address.
-// This value must be a constant and always set to all ones.
-var ipv6HostMask IPv6Mask
-// ipv6AddrAttrMap is a map of the IPv6Addr type-specific attributes.
-var ipv6AddrAttrMap map[AttrName]func(IPv6Addr) string
-var ipv6AddrAttrs []AttrName
-func init() {
- biMask := new(big.Int)
- biMask.SetBytes([]byte{
- 0xff, 0xff,
- 0xff, 0xff,
- 0xff, 0xff,
- 0xff, 0xff,
- 0xff, 0xff,
- 0xff, 0xff,
- 0xff, 0xff,
- 0xff, 0xff,
- },
- )
- ipv6HostMask = IPv6Mask(biMask)
- ipv6AddrInit()
-// IPv6Addr implements a convenience wrapper around the union of Go's
-// built-in net.IP and net.IPNet types. In UNIX-speak, IPv6Addr implements
-// `sockaddr` when the the address family is set to AF_INET6
-// (i.e. `sockaddr_in6`).
-type IPv6Addr struct {
- IPAddr
- Address IPv6Address
- Mask IPv6Mask
- Port IPPort
-// NewIPv6Addr creates an IPv6Addr from a string. String can be in the form of
-// an an IPv6:port (e.g. `[2001:4860:0:2001::68]:80`, in which case the mask is
-// assumed to be a /128), an IPv6 address (e.g. `2001:4860:0:2001::68`, also
-// with a `/128` mask), an IPv6 CIDR (e.g. `2001:4860:0:2001::68/64`, which has
-// its IP port initialized to zero). ipv6Str can not be a hostname.
-// NOTE: Many net.*() routines will initialize and return an IPv4 address.
-// Always test to make sure the address returned cannot be converted to a 4 byte
-// array using To4().
-func NewIPv6Addr(ipv6Str string) (IPv6Addr, error) {
- v6Addr := false
- for i := 0; i < len(ipv6Str); i++ {
- switch ipv6Str[i] {
- case '.':
- break LOOP
- case ':':
- v6Addr = true
- break LOOP
- }
- }
- if !v6Addr {
- return IPv6Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to resolve %+q as an IPv6 address, appears to be an IPv4 address", ipv6Str)
- }
- // Attempt to parse ipv6Str as a /128 host with a port number.
- tcpAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp6", ipv6Str)
- if err == nil {
- ipv6 := tcpAddr.IP.To16()
- if ipv6 == nil {
- return IPv6Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to resolve %+q as a 16byte IPv6 address", ipv6Str)
- }
- ipv6BigIntAddr := new(big.Int)
- ipv6BigIntAddr.SetBytes(ipv6)
- ipv6BigIntMask := new(big.Int)
- ipv6BigIntMask.Set(ipv6HostMask)
- ipv6Addr := IPv6Addr{
- Address: IPv6Address(ipv6BigIntAddr),
- Mask: IPv6Mask(ipv6BigIntMask),
- Port: IPPort(tcpAddr.Port),
- }
- return ipv6Addr, nil
- }
- // Parse as a naked IPv6 address. Trim square brackets if present.
- if len(ipv6Str) > 2 && ipv6Str[0] == '[' && ipv6Str[len(ipv6Str)-1] == ']' {
- ipv6Str = ipv6Str[1 : len(ipv6Str)-1]
- }
- ip := net.ParseIP(ipv6Str)
- if ip != nil {
- ipv6 := ip.To16()
- if ipv6 == nil {
- return IPv6Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to string convert %+q to a 16byte IPv6 address", ipv6Str)
- }
- ipv6BigIntAddr := new(big.Int)
- ipv6BigIntAddr.SetBytes(ipv6)
- ipv6BigIntMask := new(big.Int)
- ipv6BigIntMask.Set(ipv6HostMask)
- return IPv6Addr{
- Address: IPv6Address(ipv6BigIntAddr),
- Mask: IPv6Mask(ipv6BigIntMask),
- }, nil
- }
- // Parse as an IPv6 CIDR
- ipAddr, network, err := net.ParseCIDR(ipv6Str)
- if err == nil {
- ipv6 := ipAddr.To16()
- if ipv6 == nil {
- return IPv6Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to convert %+q to a 16byte IPv6 address", ipv6Str)
- }
- ipv6BigIntAddr := new(big.Int)
- ipv6BigIntAddr.SetBytes(ipv6)
- ipv6BigIntMask := new(big.Int)
- ipv6BigIntMask.SetBytes(network.Mask)
- ipv6Addr := IPv6Addr{
- Address: IPv6Address(ipv6BigIntAddr),
- Mask: IPv6Mask(ipv6BigIntMask),
- }
- return ipv6Addr, nil
- }
- return IPv6Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse %+q to an IPv6 address: %v", ipv6Str, err)
-// AddressBinString returns a string with the IPv6Addr's Address represented
-// as a sequence of '0' and '1' characters. This method is useful for
-// debugging or by operators who want to inspect an address.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) AddressBinString() string {
- bi := big.Int(*ipv6.Address)
- return fmt.Sprintf("%0128s", bi.Text(2))
-// AddressHexString returns a string with the IPv6Addr address represented as
-// a sequence of hex characters. This method is useful for debugging or by
-// operators who want to inspect an address.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) AddressHexString() string {
- bi := big.Int(*ipv6.Address)
- return fmt.Sprintf("%032s", bi.Text(16))
-// CmpAddress follows the Cmp() standard protocol and returns:
-// - -1 If the receiver should sort first because its address is lower than arg
-// - 0 if the SockAddr arg equal to the receiving IPv6Addr or the argument is of a
-// different type.
-// - 1 If the argument should sort first.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) CmpAddress(sa SockAddr) int {
- ipv6b, ok := sa.(IPv6Addr)
- if !ok {
- return sortDeferDecision
- }
- ipv6aBigInt := new(big.Int)
- ipv6aBigInt.Set(ipv6.Address)
- ipv6bBigInt := new(big.Int)
- ipv6bBigInt.Set(ipv6b.Address)
- return ipv6aBigInt.Cmp(ipv6bBigInt)
-// CmpPort follows the Cmp() standard protocol and returns:
-// - -1 If the receiver should sort first because its port is lower than arg
-// - 0 if the SockAddr arg's port number is equal to the receiving IPv6Addr,
-// regardless of type.
-// - 1 If the argument should sort first.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) CmpPort(sa SockAddr) int {
- var saPort IPPort
- switch v := sa.(type) {
- case IPv4Addr:
- saPort = v.Port
- case IPv6Addr:
- saPort = v.Port
- default:
- return sortDeferDecision
- }
- switch {
- case ipv6.Port == saPort:
- return sortDeferDecision
- case ipv6.Port < saPort:
- return sortReceiverBeforeArg
- default:
- return sortArgBeforeReceiver
- }
-// CmpRFC follows the Cmp() standard protocol and returns:
-// - -1 If the receiver should sort first because it belongs to the RFC and its
-// arg does not
-// - 0 if the receiver and arg both belong to the same RFC or neither do.
-// - 1 If the arg belongs to the RFC but receiver does not.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) CmpRFC(rfcNum uint, sa SockAddr) int {
- recvInRFC := IsRFC(rfcNum, ipv6)
- ipv6b, ok := sa.(IPv6Addr)
- if !ok {
- // If the receiver is part of the desired RFC and the SockAddr
- // argument is not, sort receiver before the non-IPv6 SockAddr.
- // Conversely, if the receiver is not part of the RFC, punt on
- // sorting and leave it for the next sorter.
- if recvInRFC {
- return sortReceiverBeforeArg
- } else {
- return sortDeferDecision
- }
- }
- argInRFC := IsRFC(rfcNum, ipv6b)
- switch {
- case (recvInRFC && argInRFC), (!recvInRFC && !argInRFC):
- // If a and b both belong to the RFC, or neither belong to
- // rfcNum, defer sorting to the next sorter.
- return sortDeferDecision
- case recvInRFC && !argInRFC:
- return sortReceiverBeforeArg
- default:
- return sortArgBeforeReceiver
- }
-// Contains returns true if the SockAddr is contained within the receiver.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) Contains(sa SockAddr) bool {
- ipv6b, ok := sa.(IPv6Addr)
- if !ok {
- return false
- }
- return ipv6.ContainsNetwork(ipv6b)
-// ContainsAddress returns true if the IPv6Address is contained within the
-// receiver.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) ContainsAddress(x IPv6Address) bool {
- xAddr := IPv6Addr{
- Address: x,
- Mask: ipv6HostMask,
- }
- {
- xIPv6 := xAddr.FirstUsable().(IPv6Addr)
- yIPv6 := ipv6.FirstUsable().(IPv6Addr)
- if xIPv6.CmpAddress(yIPv6) >= 1 {
- return false
- }
- }
- {
- xIPv6 := xAddr.LastUsable().(IPv6Addr)
- yIPv6 := ipv6.LastUsable().(IPv6Addr)
- if xIPv6.CmpAddress(yIPv6) <= -1 {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
-// ContainsNetwork returns true if the network from IPv6Addr is contained within
-// the receiver.
-func (x IPv6Addr) ContainsNetwork(y IPv6Addr) bool {
- {
- xIPv6 := x.FirstUsable().(IPv6Addr)
- yIPv6 := y.FirstUsable().(IPv6Addr)
- if ret := xIPv6.CmpAddress(yIPv6); ret >= 1 {
- return false
- }
- }
- {
- xIPv6 := x.LastUsable().(IPv6Addr)
- yIPv6 := y.LastUsable().(IPv6Addr)
- if ret := xIPv6.CmpAddress(yIPv6); ret <= -1 {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
-// DialPacketArgs returns the arguments required to be passed to
-// net.DialUDP(). If the Mask of ipv6 is not a /128 or the Port is 0,
-// DialPacketArgs() will fail. See Host() to create an IPv6Addr with its
-// mask set to /128.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) DialPacketArgs() (network, dialArgs string) {
- ipv6Mask := big.Int(*ipv6.Mask)
- if ipv6Mask.Cmp(ipv6HostMask) != 0 || ipv6.Port == 0 {
- return "udp6", ""
- }
- return "udp6", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Port)
-// DialStreamArgs returns the arguments required to be passed to
-// net.DialTCP(). If the Mask of ipv6 is not a /128 or the Port is 0,
-// DialStreamArgs() will fail. See Host() to create an IPv6Addr with its
-// mask set to /128.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) DialStreamArgs() (network, dialArgs string) {
- ipv6Mask := big.Int(*ipv6.Mask)
- if ipv6Mask.Cmp(ipv6HostMask) != 0 || ipv6.Port == 0 {
- return "tcp6", ""
- }
- return "tcp6", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Port)
-// Equal returns true if a SockAddr is equal to the receiving IPv4Addr.
-func (ipv6a IPv6Addr) Equal(sa SockAddr) bool {
- ipv6b, ok := sa.(IPv6Addr)
- if !ok {
- return false
- }
- if ipv6a.NetIP().String() != ipv6b.NetIP().String() {
- return false
- }
- if ipv6a.NetIPNet().String() != ipv6b.NetIPNet().String() {
- return false
- }
- if ipv6a.Port != ipv6b.Port {
- return false
- }
- return true
-// FirstUsable returns an IPv6Addr set to the first address following the
-// network prefix. The first usable address in a network is normally the
-// gateway and should not be used except by devices forwarding packets
-// between two administratively distinct networks (i.e. a router). This
-// function does not discriminate against first usable vs "first address that
-// should be used." For example, FirstUsable() on "2001:0db8::0003/64" would
-// return "2001:0db8::00011".
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) FirstUsable() IPAddr {
- return IPv6Addr{
- Address: IPv6Address(ipv6.NetworkAddress()),
- Mask: ipv6HostMask,
- }
-// Host returns a copy of ipv6 with its mask set to /128 so that it can be
-// used by DialPacketArgs(), DialStreamArgs(), ListenPacketArgs(), or
-// ListenStreamArgs().
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) Host() IPAddr {
- // Nothing should listen on a broadcast address.
- return IPv6Addr{
- Address: ipv6.Address,
- Mask: ipv6HostMask,
- Port: ipv6.Port,
- }
-// IPPort returns the Port number attached to the IPv6Addr
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) IPPort() IPPort {
- return ipv6.Port
-// LastUsable returns the last address in a given network.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) LastUsable() IPAddr {
- addr := new(big.Int)
- addr.Set(ipv6.Address)
- mask := new(big.Int)
- mask.Set(ipv6.Mask)
- negMask := new(big.Int)
- negMask.Xor(ipv6HostMask, mask)
- lastAddr := new(big.Int)
- lastAddr.And(addr, mask)
- lastAddr.Or(lastAddr, negMask)
- return IPv6Addr{
- Address: IPv6Address(lastAddr),
- Mask: ipv6HostMask,
- }
-// ListenPacketArgs returns the arguments required to be passed to
-// net.ListenUDP(). If the Mask of ipv6 is not a /128, ListenPacketArgs()
-// will fail. See Host() to create an IPv6Addr with its mask set to /128.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) ListenPacketArgs() (network, listenArgs string) {
- ipv6Mask := big.Int(*ipv6.Mask)
- if ipv6Mask.Cmp(ipv6HostMask) != 0 {
- return "udp6", ""
- }
- return "udp6", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Port)
-// ListenStreamArgs returns the arguments required to be passed to
-// net.ListenTCP(). If the Mask of ipv6 is not a /128, ListenStreamArgs()
-// will fail. See Host() to create an IPv6Addr with its mask set to /128.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) ListenStreamArgs() (network, listenArgs string) {
- ipv6Mask := big.Int(*ipv6.Mask)
- if ipv6Mask.Cmp(ipv6HostMask) != 0 {
- return "tcp6", ""
- }
- return "tcp6", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Port)
-// Maskbits returns the number of network mask bits in a given IPv6Addr. For
-// example, the Maskbits() of "2001:0db8::0003/64" would return 64.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) Maskbits() int {
- maskOnes, _ := ipv6.NetIPNet().Mask.Size()
- return maskOnes
-// MustIPv6Addr is a helper method that must return an IPv6Addr or panic on
-// invalid input.
-func MustIPv6Addr(addr string) IPv6Addr {
- ipv6, err := NewIPv6Addr(addr)
- if err != nil {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to create an IPv6Addr from %+q: %v", addr, err))
- }
- return ipv6
-// NetIP returns the address as a net.IP.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) NetIP() *net.IP {
- return bigIntToNetIPv6(ipv6.Address)
-// NetIPMask create a new net.IPMask from the IPv6Addr.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) NetIPMask() *net.IPMask {
- ipv6Mask := make(net.IPMask, IPv6len)
- m := big.Int(*ipv6.Mask)
- copy(ipv6Mask, m.Bytes())
- return &ipv6Mask
-// Network returns a pointer to the net.IPNet within IPv4Addr receiver.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) NetIPNet() *net.IPNet {
- ipv6net := &net.IPNet{}
- ipv6net.IP = make(net.IP, IPv6len)
- copy(ipv6net.IP, *ipv6.NetIP())
- ipv6net.Mask = *ipv6.NetIPMask()
- return ipv6net
-// Network returns the network prefix or network address for a given network.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) Network() IPAddr {
- return IPv6Addr{
- Address: IPv6Address(ipv6.NetworkAddress()),
- Mask: ipv6.Mask,
- }
-// NetworkAddress returns an IPv6Network of the IPv6Addr's network address.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) NetworkAddress() IPv6Network {
- addr := new(big.Int)
- addr.SetBytes((*ipv6.Address).Bytes())
- mask := new(big.Int)
- mask.SetBytes(*ipv6.NetIPMask())
- netAddr := new(big.Int)
- netAddr.And(addr, mask)
- return IPv6Network(netAddr)
-// Octets returns a slice of the 16 octets in an IPv6Addr's Address. The
-// order of the bytes is big endian.
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) Octets() []int {
- x := make([]int, IPv6len)
- for i, b := range *bigIntToNetIPv6(ipv6.Address) {
- x[i] = int(b)
- }
- return x
-// String returns a string representation of the IPv6Addr
-func (ipv6 IPv6Addr) String() string {
- if ipv6.Port != 0 {
- return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Port)
- }
- if ipv6.Maskbits() == 128 {
- return ipv6.NetIP().String()
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", ipv6.NetIP().String(), ipv6.Maskbits())
-// Type is used as a type switch and returns TypeIPv6
-func (IPv6Addr) Type() SockAddrType {
- return TypeIPv6
-// IPv6Attrs returns a list of attributes supported by the IPv6Addr type
-func IPv6Attrs() []AttrName {
- return ipv6AddrAttrs
-// IPv6AddrAttr returns a string representation of an attribute for the given
-// IPv6Addr.
-func IPv6AddrAttr(ipv6 IPv6Addr, selector AttrName) string {
- fn, found := ipv6AddrAttrMap[selector]
- if !found {
- return ""
- }
- return fn(ipv6)
-// ipv6AddrInit is called once at init()
-func ipv6AddrInit() {
- // Sorted for human readability
- ipv6AddrAttrs = []AttrName{
- "size", // Same position as in IPv6 for output consistency
- "uint128",
- }
- ipv6AddrAttrMap = map[AttrName]func(ipv6 IPv6Addr) string{
- "size": func(ipv6 IPv6Addr) string {
- netSize := big.NewInt(1)
- netSize = netSize.Lsh(netSize, uint(IPv6len*8-ipv6.Maskbits()))
- return netSize.Text(10)
- },
- "uint128": func(ipv6 IPv6Addr) string {
- b := big.Int(*ipv6.Address)
- return b.Text(10)
- },
- }
-// bigIntToNetIPv6 is a helper function that correctly returns a net.IP with the
-// correctly padded values.
-func bigIntToNetIPv6(bi *big.Int) *net.IP {
- x := make(net.IP, IPv6len)
- ipv6Bytes := bi.Bytes()
- // It's possibe for ipv6Bytes to be less than IPv6len bytes in size. If
- // they are different sizes we to pad the size of response.
- if len(ipv6Bytes) < IPv6len {
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- buf.Grow(IPv6len)
- for i := len(ipv6Bytes); i < IPv6len; i++ {
- if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, byte(0)); err != nil {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to pad byte %d of input %v: %v", i, bi, err))
- }
- }
- for _, b := range ipv6Bytes {
- if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, b); err != nil {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to preserve endianness of input %v: %v", bi, err))
- }
- }
- ipv6Bytes = buf.Bytes()
- }
- i := copy(x, ipv6Bytes)
- if i != IPv6len {
- panic("IPv6 wrong size")
- }
- return &x