path: root/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper
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+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2014 Steve Francia
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file
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+![viper logo](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/173412/10886745/998df88a-8151-11e5-9448-4736db51020d.png)
+Go configuration with fangs!
+Many Go projects are built using Viper including:
+* [Hugo](http://gohugo.io)
+* [EMC RexRay](http://rexray.readthedocs.org/en/stable/)
+* [Imgur's Incus](https://github.com/Imgur/incus)
+* [Nanobox](https://github.com/nanobox-io/nanobox)/[Nanopack](https://github.com/nanopack)
+* [Docker Notary](https://github.com/docker/Notary)
+* [BloomApi](https://www.bloomapi.com/)
+* [DOIt](https://github.com/bryanl/doit)
+ [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/spf13/viper.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/spf13/viper) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/spf13/viper](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/spf13/viper?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
+## What is Viper?
+Viper is a complete configuration solution for go applications including 12 factor apps. It is designed
+to work within an application, and can handle all types of configuration needs
+and formats. It supports:
+* setting defaults
+* reading from JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, and Java properties config files
+* live watching and re-reading of config files (optional)
+* reading from environment variables
+* reading from remote config systems (etcd or Consul), and watching changes
+* reading from command line flags
+* reading from buffer
+* setting explicit values
+Viper can be thought of as a registry for all of your applications
+configuration needs.
+## Why Viper?
+When building a modern application, you don’t want to worry about
+configuration file formats; you want to focus on building awesome software.
+Viper is here to help with that.
+Viper does the following for you:
+1. Find, load, and unmarshal a configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats.
+2. Provide a mechanism to set default values for your different
+ configuration options.
+3. Provide a mechanism to set override values for options specified through
+ command line flags.
+4. Provide an alias system to easily rename parameters without breaking existing
+ code.
+5. Make it easy to tell the difference between when a user has provided a
+ command line or config file which is the same as the default.
+Viper uses the following precedence order. Each item takes precedence over the
+item below it:
+ * explicit call to Set
+ * flag
+ * env
+ * config
+ * key/value store
+ * default
+Viper configuration keys are case insensitive.
+## Putting Values into Viper
+### Establishing Defaults
+A good configuration system will support default values. A default value is not
+required for a key, but it's useful in the event that a key hasn’t been set via
+config file, environment variable, remote configuration or flag.
+viper.SetDefault("ContentDir", "content")
+viper.SetDefault("LayoutDir", "layouts")
+viper.SetDefault("Taxonomies", map[string]string{"tag": "tags", "category": "categories"})
+### Reading Config Files
+Viper requires minimal configuration so it knows where to look for config files.
+Viper supports JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, and Java Properties files. Viper can search multiple paths, but
+currently a single Viper instance only supports a single configuration file.
+Viper does not default to any configuration search paths leaving defaults decision
+to an application.
+Here is an example of how to use Viper to search for and read a configuration file.
+None of the specific paths are required, but at least one path should be provided
+where a configuration file is expected.
+viper.SetConfigName("config") // name of config file (without extension)
+viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/appname/") // path to look for the config file in
+viper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/.appname") // call multiple times to add many search paths
+viper.AddConfigPath(".") // optionally look for config in the working directory
+err := viper.ReadInConfig() // Find and read the config file
+if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error config file: %s \n", err))
+### Watching and re-reading config files
+Viper supports the ability to have your application live read a config file while running.
+Gone are the days of needing to restart a server to have a config take effect,
+viper powered applications can read an update to a config file while running and
+not miss a beat.
+Simply tell the viper instance to watchConfig.
+Optionally you can provide a function for Viper to run each time a change occurs.
+**Make sure you add all of the configPaths prior to calling `WatchConfig()`**
+ viper.WatchConfig()
+ viper.OnConfigChange(func(e fsnotify.Event) {
+ fmt.Println("Config file changed:", e.Name)
+ })
+### Reading Config from io.Reader
+Viper predefines many configuration sources such as files, environment
+variables, flags, and remote K/V store, but you are not bound to them. You can
+also implement your own required configuration source and feed it to viper.
+viper.SetConfigType("yaml") // or viper.SetConfigType("YAML")
+// any approach to require this configuration into your program.
+var yamlExample = []byte(`
+Hacker: true
+name: steve
+- skateboarding
+- snowboarding
+- go
+ jacket: leather
+ trousers: denim
+age: 35
+eyes : brown
+beard: true
+viper.Get("name") // this would be "steve"
+### Setting Overrides
+These could be from a command line flag, or from your own application logic.
+viper.Set("Verbose", true)
+viper.Set("LogFile", LogFile)
+### Registering and Using Aliases
+Aliases permit a single value to be referenced by multiple keys
+viper.RegisterAlias("loud", "Verbose")
+viper.Set("verbose", true) // same result as next line
+viper.Set("loud", true) // same result as prior line
+viper.GetBool("loud") // true
+viper.GetBool("verbose") // true
+### Working with Environment Variables
+Viper has full support for environment variables. This enables 12 factor
+applications out of the box. There are four methods that exist to aid working
+with ENV:
+ * `AutomaticEnv()`
+ * `BindEnv(string...) : error`
+ * `SetEnvPrefix(string)`
+ * `SetEnvReplacer(string...) *strings.Replacer`
+_When working with ENV variables, it’s important to recognize that Viper
+treats ENV variables as case sensitive._
+Viper provides a mechanism to try to ensure that ENV variables are unique. By
+using `SetEnvPrefix`, you can tell Viper to use add a prefix while reading from
+the environment variables. Both `BindEnv` and `AutomaticEnv` will use this
+`BindEnv` takes one or two parameters. The first parameter is the key name, the
+second is the name of the environment variable. The name of the environment
+variable is case sensitive. If the ENV variable name is not provided, then
+Viper will automatically assume that the key name matches the ENV variable name,
+but the ENV variable is IN ALL CAPS. When you explicitly provide the ENV
+variable name, it **does not** automatically add the prefix.
+One important thing to recognize when working with ENV variables is that the
+value will be read each time it is accessed. Viper does not fix the value when
+the `BindEnv` is called.
+`AutomaticEnv` is a powerful helper especially when combined with
+`SetEnvPrefix`. When called, Viper will check for an environment variable any
+time a `viper.Get` request is made. It will apply the following rules. It will
+check for a environment variable with a name matching the key uppercased and
+prefixed with the `EnvPrefix` if set.
+`SetEnvReplacer` allows you to use a `strings.Replacer` object to rewrite Env
+keys to an extent. This is useful if you want to use `-` or something in your
+`Get()` calls, but want your environmental variables to use `_` delimiters. An
+example of using it can be found in `viper_test.go`.
+#### Env example
+SetEnvPrefix("spf") // will be uppercased automatically
+os.Setenv("SPF_ID", "13") // typically done outside of the app
+id := Get("id") // 13
+### Working with Flags
+Viper has the ability to bind to flags. Specifically, Viper supports `Pflags`
+as used in the [Cobra](https://github.com/spf13/cobra) library.
+Like `BindEnv`, the value is not set when the binding method is called, but when
+it is accessed. This means you can bind as early as you want, even in an
+`init()` function.
+The `BindPFlag()` method provides this functionality.
+serverCmd.Flags().Int("port", 1138, "Port to run Application server on")
+viper.BindPFlag("port", serverCmd.Flags().Lookup("port"))
+The use of [pflag](https://github.com/spf13/pflag/) in Viper does not preclude
+the use of other packages that use the [flag](https://golang.org/pkg/flag/)
+package from the standard library. The pflag package can handle the flags
+defined for the flag package by importing these flags. This is accomplished
+by a calling a convenience function provided by the pflag package called
+package main
+import (
+ "flag"
+ "github.com/spf13/pflag"
+func main() {
+ pflag.CommandLine.AddGoFlagSet(flag.CommandLine)
+ pflag.Parse()
+ ...
+#### Flag interfaces
+Viper provides two Go interfaces to bind other flag systems if you don't use `Pflags`.
+`FlagValue` represents a single flag. This is a very simple example on how to implement this interface:
+type myFlag struct {}
+func (f myFlag) IsChanged() { return false }
+func (f myFlag) Name() { return "my-flag-name" }
+func (f myFlag) ValueString() { return "my-flag-value" }
+func (f myFlag) ValueType() { return "string" }
+Once your flag implements this interface, you can simply tell Viper to bind it:
+viper.BindFlagValue("my-flag-name", myFlag{})
+`FlagValueSet` represents a group of flags. This is a very simple example on how to implement this interface:
+type myFlagSet struct {
+ flags []myFlag
+func (f myFlagSet) VisitAll(fn func(FlagValue)) {
+ for _, flag := range flags {
+ fn(flag)
+ }
+Once your flag set implements this interface, you can simply tell Viper to bind it:
+fSet := myFlagSet{
+ flags: []myFlag{myFlag{}, myFlag{}},
+viper.BindFlagValues("my-flags", fSet)
+### Remote Key/Value Store Support
+To enable remote support in Viper, do a blank import of the `viper/remote`
+`import _ "github.com/spf13/viper/remote"`
+Viper will read a config string (as JSON, TOML, YAML or HCL) retrieved from a path
+in a Key/Value store such as etcd or Consul. These values take precedence over
+default values, but are overridden by configuration values retrieved from disk,
+flags, or environment variables.
+Viper uses [crypt](https://github.com/xordataexchange/crypt) to retrieve
+configuration from the K/V store, which means that you can store your
+configuration values encrypted and have them automatically decrypted if you have
+the correct gpg keyring. Encryption is optional.
+You can use remote configuration in conjunction with local configuration, or
+independently of it.
+`crypt` has a command-line helper that you can use to put configurations in your
+K/V store. `crypt` defaults to etcd on
+$ go get github.com/xordataexchange/crypt/bin/crypt
+$ crypt set -plaintext /config/hugo.json /Users/hugo/settings/config.json
+Confirm that your value was set:
+$ crypt get -plaintext /config/hugo.json
+See the `crypt` documentation for examples of how to set encrypted values, or
+how to use Consul.
+### Remote Key/Value Store Example - Unencrypted
+viper.AddRemoteProvider("etcd", "","/config/hugo.json")
+viper.SetConfigType("json") // because there is no file extension in a stream of bytes, supported extensions are "json", "toml", "yaml", "yml", "properties", "props", "prop"
+err := viper.ReadRemoteConfig()
+### Remote Key/Value Store Example - Encrypted
+viper.SetConfigType("json") // because there is no file extension in a stream of bytes, supported extensions are "json", "toml", "yaml", "yml", "properties", "props", "prop"
+err := viper.ReadRemoteConfig()
+### Watching Changes in etcd - Unencrypted
+// alternatively, you can create a new viper instance.
+var runtime_viper = viper.New()
+runtime_viper.AddRemoteProvider("etcd", "", "/config/hugo.yml")
+runtime_viper.SetConfigType("yaml") // because there is no file extension in a stream of bytes, supported extensions are "json", "toml", "yaml", "yml", "properties", "props", "prop"
+// read from remote config the first time.
+err := runtime_viper.ReadRemoteConfig()
+// unmarshal config
+// open a goroutine to watch remote changes forever
+go func(){
+ for {
+ time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) // delay after each request
+ // currently, only tested with etcd support
+ err := runtime_viper.WatchRemoteConfig()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Errorf("unable to read remote config: %v", err)
+ continue
+ }
+ // unmarshal new config into our runtime config struct. you can also use channel
+ // to implement a signal to notify the system of the changes
+ runtime_viper.Unmarshal(&runtime_conf)
+ }
+## Getting Values From Viper
+In Viper, there are a few ways to get a value depending on the value's type.
+The following functions and methods exist:
+ * `Get(key string) : interface{}`
+ * `GetBool(key string) : bool`
+ * `GetFloat64(key string) : float64`
+ * `GetInt(key string) : int`
+ * `GetString(key string) : string`
+ * `GetStringMap(key string) : map[string]interface{}`
+ * `GetStringMapString(key string) : map[string]string`
+ * `GetStringSlice(key string) : []string`
+ * `GetTime(key string) : time.Time`
+ * `GetDuration(key string) : time.Duration`
+ * `IsSet(key string) : bool`
+One important thing to recognize is that each Get function will return a zero
+value if it’s not found. To check if a given key exists, the `IsSet()` method
+has been provided.
+viper.GetString("logfile") // case-insensitive Setting & Getting
+if viper.GetBool("verbose") {
+ fmt.Println("verbose enabled")
+### Accessing nested keys
+The accessor methods also accept formatted paths to deeply nested keys. For
+example, if the following JSON file is loaded:
+ "host": {
+ "address": "localhost",
+ "port": 5799
+ },
+ "datastore": {
+ "metric": {
+ "host": "",
+ "port": 3099
+ },
+ "warehouse": {
+ "host": "",
+ "port": 2112
+ }
+ }
+Viper can access a nested field by passing a `.` delimited path of keys:
+GetString("datastore.metric.host") // (returns "")
+This obeys the precedence rules established above; the search for the root key
+(in this example, `datastore`) will cascade through the remaining configuration
+registries until found. The search for the sub-keys (`metric` and `host`),
+however, will not.
+For example, if the `metric` key was not defined in the configuration loaded
+from file, but was defined in the defaults, Viper would return the zero value.
+On the other hand, if the primary key was not defined, Viper would go through
+the remaining registries looking for it.
+Lastly, if there exists a key that matches the delimited key path, its value
+will be returned instead. E.g.
+ "datastore.metric.host": "",
+ "host": {
+ "address": "localhost",
+ "port": 5799
+ },
+ "datastore": {
+ "metric": {
+ "host": "",
+ "port": 3099
+ },
+ "warehouse": {
+ "host": "",
+ "port": 2112
+ }
+ }
+GetString("datastore.metric.host") //returns ""
+### Extract sub-tree
+Extract sub-tree from Viper.
+For example, `viper` represents:
+ cache1:
+ max-items: 100
+ item-size: 64
+ cache2:
+ max-items: 200
+ item-size: 80
+After executing:
+subv := viper.Sub("app.cache1")
+`subv` represents:
+max-items: 100
+item-size: 64
+Suppose we have:
+func NewCache(cfg *Viper) *Cache {...}
+which creates a cache based on config information formatted as `subv`.
+Now it's easy to create these 2 caches separately as:
+cfg1 := viper.Sub("app.cache1")
+cache1 := NewCache(cfg1)
+cfg2 := viper.Sub("app.cache2")
+cache2 := NewCache(cfg2)
+### Unmarshaling
+You also have the option of Unmarshaling all or a specific value to a struct, map,
+There are two methods to do this:
+ * `Unmarshal(rawVal interface{}) : error`
+ * `UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal interface{}) : error`
+type config struct {
+ Port int
+ Name string
+ PathMap string `mapstructure:"path_map"`
+var C config
+err := Unmarshal(&C)
+if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("unable to decode into struct, %v", err)
+## Viper or Vipers?
+Viper comes ready to use out of the box. There is no configuration or
+initialization needed to begin using Viper. Since most applications will want
+to use a single central repository for their configuration, the viper package
+provides this. It is similar to a singleton.
+In all of the examples above, they demonstrate using viper in it's singleton
+style approach.
+### Working with multiple vipers
+You can also create many different vipers for use in your application. Each will
+have it’s own unique set of configurations and values. Each can read from a
+different config file, key value store, etc. All of the functions that viper
+package supports are mirrored as methods on a viper.
+x := viper.New()
+y := viper.New()
+x.SetDefault("ContentDir", "content")
+y.SetDefault("ContentDir", "foobar")
+When working with multiple vipers, it is up to the user to keep track of the
+different vipers.
+## Q & A
+Q: Why not INI files?
+A: Ini files are pretty awful. There’s no standard format, and they are hard to
+validate. Viper is designed to work with JSON, TOML or YAML files. If someone
+really wants to add this feature, I’d be happy to merge it. It’s easy to specify
+which formats your application will permit.
+Q: Why is it called “Viper”?
+A: Viper is designed to be a [companion](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viper_(G.I._Joe))
+to [Cobra](https://github.com/spf13/cobra). While both can operate completely
+independently, together they make a powerful pair to handle much of your
+application foundation needs.
+Q: Why is it called “Cobra”?
+A: Is there a better name for a [commander](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_Commander)?
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flags.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flags.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd32f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/flags.go
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+package viper
+import "github.com/spf13/pflag"
+// FlagValueSet is an interface that users can implement
+// to bind a set of flags to viper.
+type FlagValueSet interface {
+ VisitAll(fn func(FlagValue))
+// FlagValue is an interface that users can implement
+// to bind different flags to viper.
+type FlagValue interface {
+ HasChanged() bool
+ Name() string
+ ValueString() string
+ ValueType() string
+// pflagValueSet is a wrapper around *pflag.ValueSet
+// that implements FlagValueSet.
+type pflagValueSet struct {
+ flags *pflag.FlagSet
+// VisitAll iterates over all *pflag.Flag inside the *pflag.FlagSet.
+func (p pflagValueSet) VisitAll(fn func(flag FlagValue)) {
+ p.flags.VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
+ fn(pflagValue{flag})
+ })
+// pflagValue is a wrapper aroung *pflag.flag
+// that implements FlagValue
+type pflagValue struct {
+ flag *pflag.Flag
+// HasChanges returns whether the flag has changes or not.
+func (p pflagValue) HasChanged() bool {
+ return p.flag.Changed
+// Name returns the name of the flag.
+func (p pflagValue) Name() string {
+ return p.flag.Name
+// ValueString returns the value of the flag as a string.
+func (p pflagValue) ValueString() string {
+ return p.flag.Value.String()
+// ValueType returns the type of the flag as a string.
+func (p pflagValue) ValueType() string {
+ return p.flag.Value.Type()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/nohup.out b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/nohup.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8973bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/nohup.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+QProcess::start: Process is already running
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/util.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/util.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cc4553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/util.go
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// Copyright © 2014 Steve Francia <spf@spf13.com>.
+// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Viper is a application configuration system.
+// It believes that applications can be configured a variety of ways
+// via flags, ENVIRONMENT variables, configuration files retrieved
+// from the file system, or a remote key/value store.
+package viper
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "runtime"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode"
+ "github.com/BurntSushi/toml"
+ "github.com/hashicorp/hcl"
+ "github.com/magiconair/properties"
+ "github.com/spf13/cast"
+ jww "github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman"
+ "gopkg.in/yaml.v2"
+// Denotes failing to parse configuration file.
+type ConfigParseError struct {
+ err error
+// Returns the formatted configuration error.
+func (pe ConfigParseError) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("While parsing config: %s", pe.err.Error())
+func insensitiviseMap(m map[string]interface{}) {
+ for key, val := range m {
+ lower := strings.ToLower(key)
+ if key != lower {
+ delete(m, key)
+ m[lower] = val
+ }
+ }
+func absPathify(inPath string) string {
+ jww.INFO.Println("Trying to resolve absolute path to", inPath)
+ if strings.HasPrefix(inPath, "$HOME") {
+ inPath = userHomeDir() + inPath[5:]
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(inPath, "$") {
+ end := strings.Index(inPath, string(os.PathSeparator))
+ inPath = os.Getenv(inPath[1:end]) + inPath[end:]
+ }
+ if filepath.IsAbs(inPath) {
+ return filepath.Clean(inPath)
+ }
+ p, err := filepath.Abs(inPath)
+ if err == nil {
+ return filepath.Clean(p)
+ } else {
+ jww.ERROR.Println("Couldn't discover absolute path")
+ jww.ERROR.Println(err)
+ }
+ return ""
+// Check if File / Directory Exists
+func exists(path string) (bool, error) {
+ _, err := os.Stat(path)
+ if err == nil {
+ return true, nil
+ }
+ if os.IsNotExist(err) {
+ return false, nil
+ }
+ return false, err
+func stringInSlice(a string, list []string) bool {
+ for _, b := range list {
+ if b == a {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+func userHomeDir() string {
+ if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
+ home := os.Getenv("HOMEDRIVE") + os.Getenv("HOMEPATH")
+ if home == "" {
+ home = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
+ }
+ return home
+ }
+ return os.Getenv("HOME")
+func findCWD() (string, error) {
+ serverFile, err := filepath.Abs(os.Args[0])
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("Can't get absolute path for executable: %v", err)
+ }
+ path := filepath.Dir(serverFile)
+ realFile, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(serverFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ if _, err = os.Stat(serverFile + ".exe"); err == nil {
+ realFile = filepath.Clean(serverFile + ".exe")
+ }
+ }
+ if err == nil && realFile != serverFile {
+ path = filepath.Dir(realFile)
+ }
+ return path, nil
+func unmarshallConfigReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}, configType string) error {
+ buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ buf.ReadFrom(in)
+ switch strings.ToLower(configType) {
+ case "yaml", "yml":
+ if err := yaml.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
+ return ConfigParseError{err}
+ }
+ case "json":
+ if err := json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
+ return ConfigParseError{err}
+ }
+ case "hcl":
+ obj, err := hcl.Parse(string(buf.Bytes()))
+ if err != nil {
+ return ConfigParseError{err}
+ }
+ if err = hcl.DecodeObject(&c, obj); err != nil {
+ return ConfigParseError{err}
+ }
+ case "toml":
+ if _, err := toml.Decode(buf.String(), &c); err != nil {
+ return ConfigParseError{err}
+ }
+ case "properties", "props", "prop":
+ var p *properties.Properties
+ var err error
+ if p, err = properties.Load(buf.Bytes(), properties.UTF8); err != nil {
+ return ConfigParseError{err}
+ }
+ for _, key := range p.Keys() {
+ value, _ := p.Get(key)
+ c[key] = value
+ }
+ }
+ insensitiviseMap(c)
+ return nil
+func safeMul(a, b uint) uint {
+ c := a * b
+ if a > 1 && b > 1 && c/b != a {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return c
+// parseSizeInBytes converts strings like 1GB or 12 mb into an unsigned integer number of bytes
+func parseSizeInBytes(sizeStr string) uint {
+ sizeStr = strings.TrimSpace(sizeStr)
+ lastChar := len(sizeStr) - 1
+ multiplier := uint(1)
+ if lastChar > 0 {
+ if sizeStr[lastChar] == 'b' || sizeStr[lastChar] == 'B' {
+ if lastChar > 1 {
+ switch unicode.ToLower(rune(sizeStr[lastChar-1])) {
+ case 'k':
+ multiplier = 1 << 10
+ sizeStr = strings.TrimSpace(sizeStr[:lastChar-1])
+ case 'm':
+ multiplier = 1 << 20
+ sizeStr = strings.TrimSpace(sizeStr[:lastChar-1])
+ case 'g':
+ multiplier = 1 << 30
+ sizeStr = strings.TrimSpace(sizeStr[:lastChar-1])
+ default:
+ multiplier = 1
+ sizeStr = strings.TrimSpace(sizeStr[:lastChar])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size := cast.ToInt(sizeStr)
+ if size < 0 {
+ size = 0
+ }
+ return safeMul(uint(size), multiplier)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2633b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1293 @@
+// Copyright © 2014 Steve Francia <spf@spf13.com>.
+// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Viper is a application configuration system.
+// It believes that applications can be configured a variety of ways
+// via flags, ENVIRONMENT variables, configuration files retrieved
+// from the file system, or a remote key/value store.
+// Each item takes precedence over the item below it:
+// overrides
+// flag
+// env
+// config
+// key/value store
+// default
+package viper
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "reflect"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify"
+ "github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure"
+ "github.com/spf13/cast"
+ jww "github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman"
+ "github.com/spf13/pflag"
+var v *Viper
+func init() {
+ v = New()
+type remoteConfigFactory interface {
+ Get(rp RemoteProvider) (io.Reader, error)
+ Watch(rp RemoteProvider) (io.Reader, error)
+// RemoteConfig is optional, see the remote package
+var RemoteConfig remoteConfigFactory
+// Denotes encountering an unsupported
+// configuration filetype.
+type UnsupportedConfigError string
+// Returns the formatted configuration error.
+func (str UnsupportedConfigError) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported Config Type %q", string(str))
+// Denotes encountering an unsupported remote
+// provider. Currently only etcd and Consul are
+// supported.
+type UnsupportedRemoteProviderError string
+// Returns the formatted remote provider error.
+func (str UnsupportedRemoteProviderError) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported Remote Provider Type %q", string(str))
+// Denotes encountering an error while trying to
+// pull the configuration from the remote provider.
+type RemoteConfigError string
+// Returns the formatted remote provider error
+func (rce RemoteConfigError) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Remote Configurations Error: %s", string(rce))
+// Denotes failing to find configuration file.
+type ConfigFileNotFoundError struct {
+ name, locations string
+// Returns the formatted configuration error.
+func (fnfe ConfigFileNotFoundError) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Config File %q Not Found in %q", fnfe.name, fnfe.locations)
+// Viper is a prioritized configuration registry. It
+// maintains a set of configuration sources, fetches
+// values to populate those, and provides them according
+// to the source's priority.
+// The priority of the sources is the following:
+// 1. overrides
+// 2. flags
+// 3. env. variables
+// 4. config file
+// 5. key/value store
+// 6. defaults
+// For example, if values from the following sources were loaded:
+// Defaults : {
+// "secret": "",
+// "user": "default",
+// "endpoint": "https://localhost"
+// }
+// Config : {
+// "user": "root"
+// "secret": "defaultsecret"
+// }
+// Env : {
+// "secret": "somesecretkey"
+// }
+// The resulting config will have the following values:
+// {
+// "secret": "somesecretkey",
+// "user": "root",
+// "endpoint": "https://localhost"
+// }
+type Viper struct {
+ // Delimiter that separates a list of keys
+ // used to access a nested value in one go
+ keyDelim string
+ // A set of paths to look for the config file in
+ configPaths []string
+ // A set of remote providers to search for the configuration
+ remoteProviders []*defaultRemoteProvider
+ // Name of file to look for inside the path
+ configName string
+ configFile string
+ configType string
+ envPrefix string
+ automaticEnvApplied bool
+ envKeyReplacer *strings.Replacer
+ config map[string]interface{}
+ override map[string]interface{}
+ defaults map[string]interface{}
+ kvstore map[string]interface{}
+ pflags map[string]FlagValue
+ env map[string]string
+ aliases map[string]string
+ typeByDefValue bool
+ onConfigChange func(fsnotify.Event)
+// Returns an initialized Viper instance.
+func New() *Viper {
+ v := new(Viper)
+ v.keyDelim = "."
+ v.configName = "config"
+ v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
+ v.override = make(map[string]interface{})
+ v.defaults = make(map[string]interface{})
+ v.kvstore = make(map[string]interface{})
+ v.pflags = make(map[string]FlagValue)
+ v.env = make(map[string]string)
+ v.aliases = make(map[string]string)
+ v.typeByDefValue = false
+ return v
+// Intended for testing, will reset all to default settings.
+// In the public interface for the viper package so applications
+// can use it in their testing as well.
+func Reset() {
+ v = New()
+ SupportedExts = []string{"json", "toml", "yaml", "yml", "hcl"}
+ SupportedRemoteProviders = []string{"etcd", "consul"}
+type defaultRemoteProvider struct {
+ provider string
+ endpoint string
+ path string
+ secretKeyring string
+func (rp defaultRemoteProvider) Provider() string {
+ return rp.provider
+func (rp defaultRemoteProvider) Endpoint() string {
+ return rp.endpoint
+func (rp defaultRemoteProvider) Path() string {
+ return rp.path
+func (rp defaultRemoteProvider) SecretKeyring() string {
+ return rp.secretKeyring
+// RemoteProvider stores the configuration necessary
+// to connect to a remote key/value store.
+// Optional secretKeyring to unencrypt encrypted values
+// can be provided.
+type RemoteProvider interface {
+ Provider() string
+ Endpoint() string
+ Path() string
+ SecretKeyring() string
+// Universally supported extensions.
+var SupportedExts []string = []string{"json", "toml", "yaml", "yml", "properties", "props", "prop", "hcl"}
+// Universally supported remote providers.
+var SupportedRemoteProviders []string = []string{"etcd", "consul"}
+func OnConfigChange(run func(in fsnotify.Event)) { v.OnConfigChange(run) }
+func (v *Viper) OnConfigChange(run func(in fsnotify.Event)) {
+ v.onConfigChange = run
+func WatchConfig() { v.WatchConfig() }
+func (v *Viper) WatchConfig() {
+ go func() {
+ watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ defer watcher.Close()
+ // we have to watch the entire directory to pick up renames/atomic saves in a cross-platform way
+ configFile := filepath.Clean(v.getConfigFile())
+ configDir, _ := filepath.Split(configFile)
+ done := make(chan bool)
+ go func() {
+ for {
+ select {
+ case event := <-watcher.Events:
+ // we only care about the config file
+ if filepath.Clean(event.Name) == configFile {
+ if event.Op&fsnotify.Write == fsnotify.Write || event.Op&fsnotify.Create == fsnotify.Create {
+ err := v.ReadInConfig()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Println("error:", err)
+ }
+ v.onConfigChange(event)
+ }
+ }
+ case err := <-watcher.Errors:
+ log.Println("error:", err)
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+ watcher.Add(configDir)
+ <-done
+ }()
+// Explicitly define the path, name and extension of the config file
+// Viper will use this and not check any of the config paths
+func SetConfigFile(in string) { v.SetConfigFile(in) }
+func (v *Viper) SetConfigFile(in string) {
+ if in != "" {
+ v.configFile = in
+ }
+// Define a prefix that ENVIRONMENT variables will use.
+// E.g. if your prefix is "spf", the env registry
+// will look for env. variables that start with "SPF_"
+func SetEnvPrefix(in string) { v.SetEnvPrefix(in) }
+func (v *Viper) SetEnvPrefix(in string) {
+ if in != "" {
+ v.envPrefix = in
+ }
+func (v *Viper) mergeWithEnvPrefix(in string) string {
+ if v.envPrefix != "" {
+ return strings.ToUpper(v.envPrefix + "_" + in)
+ }
+ return strings.ToUpper(in)
+// TODO: should getEnv logic be moved into find(). Can generalize the use of
+// rewriting keys many things, Ex: Get('someKey') -> some_key
+// (cammel case to snake case for JSON keys perhaps)
+// getEnv s a wrapper around os.Getenv which replaces characters in the original
+// key. This allows env vars which have different keys then the config object
+// keys
+func (v *Viper) getEnv(key string) string {
+ if v.envKeyReplacer != nil {
+ key = v.envKeyReplacer.Replace(key)
+ }
+ return os.Getenv(key)
+// Return the file used to populate the config registry
+func ConfigFileUsed() string { return v.ConfigFileUsed() }
+func (v *Viper) ConfigFileUsed() string { return v.configFile }
+// Add a path for Viper to search for the config file in.
+// Can be called multiple times to define multiple search paths.
+func AddConfigPath(in string) { v.AddConfigPath(in) }
+func (v *Viper) AddConfigPath(in string) {
+ if in != "" {
+ absin := absPathify(in)
+ jww.INFO.Println("adding", absin, "to paths to search")
+ if !stringInSlice(absin, v.configPaths) {
+ v.configPaths = append(v.configPaths, absin)
+ }
+ }
+// AddRemoteProvider adds a remote configuration source.
+// Remote Providers are searched in the order they are added.
+// provider is a string value, "etcd" or "consul" are currently supported.
+// endpoint is the url. etcd requires http://ip:port consul requires ip:port
+// path is the path in the k/v store to retrieve configuration
+// To retrieve a config file called myapp.json from /configs/myapp.json
+// you should set path to /configs and set config name (SetConfigName()) to
+// "myapp"
+func AddRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path string) error {
+ return v.AddRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path)
+func (v *Viper) AddRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path string) error {
+ if !stringInSlice(provider, SupportedRemoteProviders) {
+ return UnsupportedRemoteProviderError(provider)
+ }
+ if provider != "" && endpoint != "" {
+ jww.INFO.Printf("adding %s:%s to remote provider list", provider, endpoint)
+ rp := &defaultRemoteProvider{
+ endpoint: endpoint,
+ provider: provider,
+ path: path,
+ }
+ if !v.providerPathExists(rp) {
+ v.remoteProviders = append(v.remoteProviders, rp)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// AddSecureRemoteProvider adds a remote configuration source.
+// Secure Remote Providers are searched in the order they are added.
+// provider is a string value, "etcd" or "consul" are currently supported.
+// endpoint is the url. etcd requires http://ip:port consul requires ip:port
+// secretkeyring is the filepath to your openpgp secret keyring. e.g. /etc/secrets/myring.gpg
+// path is the path in the k/v store to retrieve configuration
+// To retrieve a config file called myapp.json from /configs/myapp.json
+// you should set path to /configs and set config name (SetConfigName()) to
+// "myapp"
+// Secure Remote Providers are implemented with github.com/xordataexchange/crypt
+func AddSecureRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path, secretkeyring string) error {
+ return v.AddSecureRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path, secretkeyring)
+func (v *Viper) AddSecureRemoteProvider(provider, endpoint, path, secretkeyring string) error {
+ if !stringInSlice(provider, SupportedRemoteProviders) {
+ return UnsupportedRemoteProviderError(provider)
+ }
+ if provider != "" && endpoint != "" {
+ jww.INFO.Printf("adding %s:%s to remote provider list", provider, endpoint)
+ rp := &defaultRemoteProvider{
+ endpoint: endpoint,
+ provider: provider,
+ path: path,
+ secretKeyring: secretkeyring,
+ }
+ if !v.providerPathExists(rp) {
+ v.remoteProviders = append(v.remoteProviders, rp)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func (v *Viper) providerPathExists(p *defaultRemoteProvider) bool {
+ for _, y := range v.remoteProviders {
+ if reflect.DeepEqual(y, p) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+func (v *Viper) searchMap(source map[string]interface{}, path []string) interface{} {
+ if len(path) == 0 {
+ return source
+ }
+ var ok bool
+ var next interface{}
+ for k, v := range source {
+ if strings.ToLower(k) == strings.ToLower(path[0]) {
+ ok = true
+ next = v
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if ok {
+ switch next.(type) {
+ case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ return v.searchMap(cast.ToStringMap(next), path[1:])
+ case map[string]interface{}:
+ // Type assertion is safe here since it is only reached
+ // if the type of `next` is the same as the type being asserted
+ return v.searchMap(next.(map[string]interface{}), path[1:])
+ default:
+ return next
+ }
+ } else {
+ return nil
+ }
+// SetTypeByDefaultValue enables or disables the inference of a key value's
+// type when the Get function is used based upon a key's default value as
+// opposed to the value returned based on the normal fetch logic.
+// For example, if a key has a default value of []string{} and the same key
+// is set via an environment variable to "a b c", a call to the Get function
+// would return a string slice for the key if the key's type is inferred by
+// the default value and the Get function would return:
+// []string {"a", "b", "c"}
+// Otherwise the Get function would return:
+// "a b c"
+func SetTypeByDefaultValue(enable bool) { v.SetTypeByDefaultValue(enable) }
+func (v *Viper) SetTypeByDefaultValue(enable bool) {
+ v.typeByDefValue = enable
+// Viper is essentially repository for configurations
+// Get can retrieve any value given the key to use
+// Get has the behavior of returning the value associated with the first
+// place from where it is set. Viper will check in the following order:
+// override, flag, env, config file, key/value store, default
+// Get returns an interface. For a specific value use one of the Get____ methods.
+func Get(key string) interface{} { return v.Get(key) }
+func (v *Viper) Get(key string) interface{} {
+ path := strings.Split(key, v.keyDelim)
+ lcaseKey := strings.ToLower(key)
+ val := v.find(lcaseKey)
+ if val == nil {
+ source := v.find(strings.ToLower(path[0]))
+ if source != nil {
+ if reflect.TypeOf(source).Kind() == reflect.Map {
+ val = v.searchMap(cast.ToStringMap(source), path[1:])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if no other value is returned and a flag does exist for the value,
+ // get the flag's value even if the flag's value has not changed
+ if val == nil {
+ if flag, exists := v.pflags[lcaseKey]; exists {
+ jww.TRACE.Println(key, "get pflag default", val)
+ switch flag.ValueType() {
+ case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
+ val = cast.ToInt(flag.ValueString())
+ case "bool":
+ val = cast.ToBool(flag.ValueString())
+ default:
+ val = flag.ValueString()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if val == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ var valType interface{}
+ if !v.typeByDefValue {
+ valType = val
+ } else {
+ defVal, defExists := v.defaults[lcaseKey]
+ if defExists {
+ valType = defVal
+ } else {
+ valType = val
+ }
+ }
+ switch valType.(type) {
+ case bool:
+ return cast.ToBool(val)
+ case string:
+ return cast.ToString(val)
+ case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
+ return cast.ToInt(val)
+ case float64, float32:
+ return cast.ToFloat64(val)
+ case time.Time:
+ return cast.ToTime(val)
+ case time.Duration:
+ return cast.ToDuration(val)
+ case []string:
+ return cast.ToStringSlice(val)
+ }
+ return val
+// Returns new Viper instance representing a sub tree of this instance
+func Sub(key string) *Viper { return v.Sub(key) }
+func (v *Viper) Sub(key string) *Viper {
+ subv := New()
+ data := v.Get(key)
+ if reflect.TypeOf(data).Kind() == reflect.Map {
+ subv.config = cast.ToStringMap(data)
+ return subv
+ } else {
+ return nil
+ }
+// Returns the value associated with the key as a string
+func GetString(key string) string { return v.GetString(key) }
+func (v *Viper) GetString(key string) string {
+ return cast.ToString(v.Get(key))
+// Returns the value associated with the key as a boolean
+func GetBool(key string) bool { return v.GetBool(key) }
+func (v *Viper) GetBool(key string) bool {
+ return cast.ToBool(v.Get(key))
+// Returns the value associated with the key as an integer
+func GetInt(key string) int { return v.GetInt(key) }
+func (v *Viper) GetInt(key string) int {
+ return cast.ToInt(v.Get(key))
+// Returns the value associated with the key as a float64
+func GetFloat64(key string) float64 { return v.GetFloat64(key) }
+func (v *Viper) GetFloat64(key string) float64 {
+ return cast.ToFloat64(v.Get(key))
+// Returns the value associated with the key as time
+func GetTime(key string) time.Time { return v.GetTime(key) }
+func (v *Viper) GetTime(key string) time.Time {
+ return cast.ToTime(v.Get(key))
+// Returns the value associated with the key as a duration
+func GetDuration(key string) time.Duration { return v.GetDuration(key) }
+func (v *Viper) GetDuration(key string) time.Duration {
+ return cast.ToDuration(v.Get(key))
+// Returns the value associated with the key as a slice of strings
+func GetStringSlice(key string) []string { return v.GetStringSlice(key) }
+func (v *Viper) GetStringSlice(key string) []string {
+ return cast.ToStringSlice(v.Get(key))
+// Returns the value associated with the key as a map of interfaces
+func GetStringMap(key string) map[string]interface{} { return v.GetStringMap(key) }
+func (v *Viper) GetStringMap(key string) map[string]interface{} {
+ return cast.ToStringMap(v.Get(key))
+// Returns the value associated with the key as a map of strings
+func GetStringMapString(key string) map[string]string { return v.GetStringMapString(key) }
+func (v *Viper) GetStringMapString(key string) map[string]string {
+ return cast.ToStringMapString(v.Get(key))
+// Returns the value associated with the key as a map to a slice of strings.
+func GetStringMapStringSlice(key string) map[string][]string { return v.GetStringMapStringSlice(key) }
+func (v *Viper) GetStringMapStringSlice(key string) map[string][]string {
+ return cast.ToStringMapStringSlice(v.Get(key))
+// Returns the size of the value associated with the given key
+// in bytes.
+func GetSizeInBytes(key string) uint { return v.GetSizeInBytes(key) }
+func (v *Viper) GetSizeInBytes(key string) uint {
+ sizeStr := cast.ToString(v.Get(key))
+ return parseSizeInBytes(sizeStr)
+// Takes a single key and unmarshals it into a Struct
+func UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal interface{}) error { return v.UnmarshalKey(key, rawVal) }
+func (v *Viper) UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal interface{}) error {
+ return mapstructure.Decode(v.Get(key), rawVal)
+// Unmarshals the config into a Struct. Make sure that the tags
+// on the fields of the structure are properly set.
+func Unmarshal(rawVal interface{}) error { return v.Unmarshal(rawVal) }
+func (v *Viper) Unmarshal(rawVal interface{}) error {
+ err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(v.AllSettings(), rawVal)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ v.insensitiviseMaps()
+ return nil
+// A wrapper around mapstructure.Decode that mimics the WeakDecode functionality
+// while erroring on non existing vals in the destination struct
+func weakDecodeExact(input, output interface{}) error {
+ config := &mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
+ ErrorUnused: true,
+ Metadata: nil,
+ Result: output,
+ WeaklyTypedInput: true,
+ }
+ decoder, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(config)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return decoder.Decode(input)
+// Unmarshals the config into a Struct, erroring if a field is non-existant
+// in the destination struct
+func (v *Viper) UnmarshalExact(rawVal interface{}) error {
+ err := weakDecodeExact(v.AllSettings(), rawVal)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ v.insensitiviseMaps()
+ return nil
+// Bind a full flag set to the configuration, using each flag's long
+// name as the config key.
+func BindPFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) (err error) { return v.BindPFlags(flags) }
+func (v *Viper) BindPFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) (err error) {
+ return v.BindFlagValues(pflagValueSet{flags})
+// Bind a specific key to a pflag (as used by cobra)
+// Example(where serverCmd is a Cobra instance):
+// serverCmd.Flags().Int("port", 1138, "Port to run Application server on")
+// Viper.BindPFlag("port", serverCmd.Flags().Lookup("port"))
+func BindPFlag(key string, flag *pflag.Flag) (err error) { return v.BindPFlag(key, flag) }
+func (v *Viper) BindPFlag(key string, flag *pflag.Flag) (err error) {
+ return v.BindFlagValue(key, pflagValue{flag})
+// Bind a full FlagValue set to the configuration, using each flag's long
+// name as the config key.
+func BindFlagValues(flags FlagValueSet) (err error) { return v.BindFlagValues(flags) }
+func (v *Viper) BindFlagValues(flags FlagValueSet) (err error) {
+ flags.VisitAll(func(flag FlagValue) {
+ if err = v.BindFlagValue(flag.Name(), flag); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ })
+ return nil
+// Bind a specific key to a FlagValue.
+// Example(where serverCmd is a Cobra instance):
+// serverCmd.Flags().Int("port", 1138, "Port to run Application server on")
+// Viper.BindFlagValue("port", serverCmd.Flags().Lookup("port"))
+func BindFlagValue(key string, flag FlagValue) (err error) { return v.BindFlagValue(key, flag) }
+func (v *Viper) BindFlagValue(key string, flag FlagValue) (err error) {
+ if flag == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("flag for %q is nil", key)
+ }
+ v.pflags[strings.ToLower(key)] = flag
+ return nil
+// Binds a Viper key to a ENV variable
+// ENV variables are case sensitive
+// If only a key is provided, it will use the env key matching the key, uppercased.
+// EnvPrefix will be used when set when env name is not provided.
+func BindEnv(input ...string) (err error) { return v.BindEnv(input...) }
+func (v *Viper) BindEnv(input ...string) (err error) {
+ var key, envkey string
+ if len(input) == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("BindEnv missing key to bind to")
+ }
+ key = strings.ToLower(input[0])
+ if len(input) == 1 {
+ envkey = v.mergeWithEnvPrefix(key)
+ } else {
+ envkey = input[1]
+ }
+ v.env[key] = envkey
+ return nil
+// Given a key, find the value
+// Viper will check in the following order:
+// flag, env, config file, key/value store, default
+// Viper will check to see if an alias exists first
+func (v *Viper) find(key string) interface{} {
+ var val interface{}
+ var exists bool
+ // if the requested key is an alias, then return the proper key
+ key = v.realKey(key)
+ // PFlag Override first
+ flag, exists := v.pflags[key]
+ if exists && flag.HasChanged() {
+ jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in override (via pflag):", flag.ValueString())
+ switch flag.ValueType() {
+ case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
+ return cast.ToInt(flag.ValueString())
+ case "bool":
+ return cast.ToBool(flag.ValueString())
+ default:
+ return flag.ValueString()
+ }
+ }
+ val, exists = v.override[key]
+ if exists {
+ jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in override:", val)
+ return val
+ }
+ if v.automaticEnvApplied {
+ // even if it hasn't been registered, if automaticEnv is used,
+ // check any Get request
+ if val = v.getEnv(v.mergeWithEnvPrefix(key)); val != "" {
+ jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in environment with val:", val)
+ return val
+ }
+ }
+ envkey, exists := v.env[key]
+ if exists {
+ jww.TRACE.Println(key, "registered as env var", envkey)
+ if val = v.getEnv(envkey); val != "" {
+ jww.TRACE.Println(envkey, "found in environment with val:", val)
+ return val
+ } else {
+ jww.TRACE.Println(envkey, "env value unset:")
+ }
+ }
+ val, exists = v.config[key]
+ if exists {
+ jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in config:", val)
+ return val
+ }
+ // Test for nested config parameter
+ if strings.Contains(key, v.keyDelim) {
+ path := strings.Split(key, v.keyDelim)
+ source := v.find(path[0])
+ if source != nil {
+ if reflect.TypeOf(source).Kind() == reflect.Map {
+ val := v.searchMap(cast.ToStringMap(source), path[1:])
+ jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in nested config:", val)
+ return val
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val, exists = v.kvstore[key]
+ if exists {
+ jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in key/value store:", val)
+ return val
+ }
+ val, exists = v.defaults[key]
+ if exists {
+ jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in defaults:", val)
+ return val
+ }
+ return nil
+// Check to see if the key has been set in any of the data locations
+func IsSet(key string) bool { return v.IsSet(key) }
+func (v *Viper) IsSet(key string) bool {
+ path := strings.Split(key, v.keyDelim)
+ lcaseKey := strings.ToLower(key)
+ val := v.find(lcaseKey)
+ if val == nil {
+ source := v.find(strings.ToLower(path[0]))
+ if source != nil {
+ if reflect.TypeOf(source).Kind() == reflect.Map {
+ val = v.searchMap(cast.ToStringMap(source), path[1:])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return val != nil
+// Have Viper check ENV variables for all
+// keys set in config, default & flags
+func AutomaticEnv() { v.AutomaticEnv() }
+func (v *Viper) AutomaticEnv() {
+ v.automaticEnvApplied = true
+// SetEnvKeyReplacer sets the strings.Replacer on the viper object
+// Useful for mapping an environmental variable to a key that does
+// not match it.
+func SetEnvKeyReplacer(r *strings.Replacer) { v.SetEnvKeyReplacer(r) }
+func (v *Viper) SetEnvKeyReplacer(r *strings.Replacer) {
+ v.envKeyReplacer = r
+// Aliases provide another accessor for the same key.
+// This enables one to change a name without breaking the application
+func RegisterAlias(alias string, key string) { v.RegisterAlias(alias, key) }
+func (v *Viper) RegisterAlias(alias string, key string) {
+ v.registerAlias(alias, strings.ToLower(key))
+func (v *Viper) registerAlias(alias string, key string) {
+ alias = strings.ToLower(alias)
+ if alias != key && alias != v.realKey(key) {
+ _, exists := v.aliases[alias]
+ if !exists {
+ // if we alias something that exists in one of the maps to another
+ // name, we'll never be able to get that value using the original
+ // name, so move the config value to the new realkey.
+ if val, ok := v.config[alias]; ok {
+ delete(v.config, alias)
+ v.config[key] = val
+ }
+ if val, ok := v.kvstore[alias]; ok {
+ delete(v.kvstore, alias)
+ v.kvstore[key] = val
+ }
+ if val, ok := v.defaults[alias]; ok {
+ delete(v.defaults, alias)
+ v.defaults[key] = val
+ }
+ if val, ok := v.override[alias]; ok {
+ delete(v.override, alias)
+ v.override[key] = val
+ }
+ v.aliases[alias] = key
+ }
+ } else {
+ jww.WARN.Println("Creating circular reference alias", alias, key, v.realKey(key))
+ }
+func (v *Viper) realKey(key string) string {
+ newkey, exists := v.aliases[key]
+ if exists {
+ jww.DEBUG.Println("Alias", key, "to", newkey)
+ return v.realKey(newkey)
+ } else {
+ return key
+ }
+// Check to see if the given key (or an alias) is in the config file
+func InConfig(key string) bool { return v.InConfig(key) }
+func (v *Viper) InConfig(key string) bool {
+ // if the requested key is an alias, then return the proper key
+ key = v.realKey(key)
+ _, exists := v.config[key]
+ return exists
+// Set the default value for this key.
+// Default only used when no value is provided by the user via flag, config or ENV.
+func SetDefault(key string, value interface{}) { v.SetDefault(key, value) }
+func (v *Viper) SetDefault(key string, value interface{}) {
+ // If alias passed in, then set the proper default
+ key = v.realKey(strings.ToLower(key))
+ v.defaults[key] = value
+// Sets the value for the key in the override regiser.
+// Will be used instead of values obtained via
+// flags, config file, ENV, default, or key/value store
+func Set(key string, value interface{}) { v.Set(key, value) }
+func (v *Viper) Set(key string, value interface{}) {
+ // If alias passed in, then set the proper override
+ key = v.realKey(strings.ToLower(key))
+ v.override[key] = value
+// Viper will discover and load the configuration file from disk
+// and key/value stores, searching in one of the defined paths.
+func ReadInConfig() error { return v.ReadInConfig() }
+func (v *Viper) ReadInConfig() error {
+ jww.INFO.Println("Attempting to read in config file")
+ if !stringInSlice(v.getConfigType(), SupportedExts) {
+ return UnsupportedConfigError(v.getConfigType())
+ }
+ file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(v.getConfigFile())
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
+ return v.unmarshalReader(bytes.NewReader(file), v.config)
+// MergeInConfig merges a new configuration with an existing config.
+func MergeInConfig() error { return v.MergeInConfig() }
+func (v *Viper) MergeInConfig() error {
+ jww.INFO.Println("Attempting to merge in config file")
+ if !stringInSlice(v.getConfigType(), SupportedExts) {
+ return UnsupportedConfigError(v.getConfigType())
+ }
+ file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(v.getConfigFile())
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return v.MergeConfig(bytes.NewReader(file))
+// Viper will read a configuration file, setting existing keys to nil if the
+// key does not exist in the file.
+func ReadConfig(in io.Reader) error { return v.ReadConfig(in) }
+func (v *Viper) ReadConfig(in io.Reader) error {
+ v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
+ return v.unmarshalReader(in, v.config)
+// MergeConfig merges a new configuration with an existing config.
+func MergeConfig(in io.Reader) error { return v.MergeConfig(in) }
+func (v *Viper) MergeConfig(in io.Reader) error {
+ if v.config == nil {
+ v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
+ }
+ cfg := make(map[string]interface{})
+ if err := v.unmarshalReader(in, cfg); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ mergeMaps(cfg, v.config, nil)
+ return nil
+func keyExists(k string, m map[string]interface{}) string {
+ lk := strings.ToLower(k)
+ for mk := range m {
+ lmk := strings.ToLower(mk)
+ if lmk == lk {
+ return mk
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+func castToMapStringInterface(
+ src map[interface{}]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
+ tgt := map[string]interface{}{}
+ for k, v := range src {
+ tgt[fmt.Sprintf("%v", k)] = v
+ }
+ return tgt
+// mergeMaps merges two maps. The `itgt` parameter is for handling go-yaml's
+// insistence on parsing nested structures as `map[interface{}]interface{}`
+// instead of using a `string` as the key for nest structures beyond one level
+// deep. Both map types are supported as there is a go-yaml fork that uses
+// `map[string]interface{}` instead.
+func mergeMaps(
+ src, tgt map[string]interface{}, itgt map[interface{}]interface{}) {
+ for sk, sv := range src {
+ tk := keyExists(sk, tgt)
+ if tk == "" {
+ jww.TRACE.Printf("tk=\"\", tgt[%s]=%v", sk, sv)
+ tgt[sk] = sv
+ if itgt != nil {
+ itgt[sk] = sv
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ tv, ok := tgt[tk]
+ if !ok {
+ jww.TRACE.Printf("tgt[%s] != ok, tgt[%s]=%v", tk, sk, sv)
+ tgt[sk] = sv
+ if itgt != nil {
+ itgt[sk] = sv
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ svType := reflect.TypeOf(sv)
+ tvType := reflect.TypeOf(tv)
+ if svType != tvType {
+ jww.ERROR.Printf(
+ "svType != tvType; key=%s, st=%v, tt=%v, sv=%v, tv=%v",
+ sk, svType, tvType, sv, tv)
+ continue
+ }
+ jww.TRACE.Printf("processing key=%s, st=%v, tt=%v, sv=%v, tv=%v",
+ sk, svType, tvType, sv, tv)
+ switch ttv := tv.(type) {
+ case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ jww.TRACE.Printf("merging maps (must convert)")
+ tsv := sv.(map[interface{}]interface{})
+ ssv := castToMapStringInterface(tsv)
+ stv := castToMapStringInterface(ttv)
+ mergeMaps(ssv, stv, ttv)
+ case map[string]interface{}:
+ jww.TRACE.Printf("merging maps")
+ mergeMaps(sv.(map[string]interface{}), ttv, nil)
+ default:
+ jww.TRACE.Printf("setting value")
+ tgt[tk] = sv
+ if itgt != nil {
+ itgt[tk] = sv
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// func ReadBufConfig(buf *bytes.Buffer) error { return v.ReadBufConfig(buf) }
+// func (v *Viper) ReadBufConfig(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
+// v.config = make(map[string]interface{})
+// return v.unmarshalReader(buf, v.config)
+// }
+// Attempts to get configuration from a remote source
+// and read it in the remote configuration registry.
+func ReadRemoteConfig() error { return v.ReadRemoteConfig() }
+func (v *Viper) ReadRemoteConfig() error {
+ err := v.getKeyValueConfig()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+func WatchRemoteConfig() error { return v.WatchRemoteConfig() }
+func (v *Viper) WatchRemoteConfig() error {
+ err := v.watchKeyValueConfig()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// Unmarshall a Reader into a map
+// Should probably be an unexported function
+func unmarshalReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}) error {
+ return v.unmarshalReader(in, c)
+func (v *Viper) unmarshalReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}) error {
+ return unmarshallConfigReader(in, c, v.getConfigType())
+func (v *Viper) insensitiviseMaps() {
+ insensitiviseMap(v.config)
+ insensitiviseMap(v.defaults)
+ insensitiviseMap(v.override)
+ insensitiviseMap(v.kvstore)
+// retrieve the first found remote configuration
+func (v *Viper) getKeyValueConfig() error {
+ if RemoteConfig == nil {
+ return RemoteConfigError("Enable the remote features by doing a blank import of the viper/remote package: '_ github.com/spf13/viper/remote'")
+ }
+ for _, rp := range v.remoteProviders {
+ val, err := v.getRemoteConfig(rp)
+ if err != nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ v.kvstore = val
+ return nil
+ }
+ return RemoteConfigError("No Files Found")
+func (v *Viper) getRemoteConfig(provider *defaultRemoteProvider) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
+ reader, err := RemoteConfig.Get(provider)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ err = v.unmarshalReader(reader, v.kvstore)
+ return v.kvstore, err
+// retrieve the first found remote configuration
+func (v *Viper) watchKeyValueConfig() error {
+ for _, rp := range v.remoteProviders {
+ val, err := v.watchRemoteConfig(rp)
+ if err != nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ v.kvstore = val
+ return nil
+ }
+ return RemoteConfigError("No Files Found")
+func (v *Viper) watchRemoteConfig(provider *defaultRemoteProvider) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
+ reader, err := RemoteConfig.Watch(provider)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ err = v.unmarshalReader(reader, v.kvstore)
+ return v.kvstore, err
+// Return all keys regardless where they are set
+func AllKeys() []string { return v.AllKeys() }
+func (v *Viper) AllKeys() []string {
+ m := map[string]struct{}{}
+ for key, _ := range v.defaults {
+ m[strings.ToLower(key)] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ for key, _ := range v.pflags {
+ m[strings.ToLower(key)] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ for key, _ := range v.env {
+ m[strings.ToLower(key)] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ for key, _ := range v.config {
+ m[strings.ToLower(key)] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ for key, _ := range v.kvstore {
+ m[strings.ToLower(key)] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ for key, _ := range v.override {
+ m[strings.ToLower(key)] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ for key, _ := range v.aliases {
+ m[strings.ToLower(key)] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ a := []string{}
+ for x, _ := range m {
+ a = append(a, x)
+ }
+ return a
+// Return all settings as a map[string]interface{}
+func AllSettings() map[string]interface{} { return v.AllSettings() }
+func (v *Viper) AllSettings() map[string]interface{} {
+ m := map[string]interface{}{}
+ for _, x := range v.AllKeys() {
+ m[x] = v.Get(x)
+ }
+ return m
+// Name for the config file.
+// Does not include extension.
+func SetConfigName(in string) { v.SetConfigName(in) }
+func (v *Viper) SetConfigName(in string) {
+ if in != "" {
+ v.configName = in
+ }
+// Sets the type of the configuration returned by the
+// remote source, e.g. "json".
+func SetConfigType(in string) { v.SetConfigType(in) }
+func (v *Viper) SetConfigType(in string) {
+ if in != "" {
+ v.configType = in
+ }
+func (v *Viper) getConfigType() string {
+ if v.configType != "" {
+ return v.configType
+ }
+ cf := v.getConfigFile()
+ ext := filepath.Ext(cf)
+ if len(ext) > 1 {
+ return ext[1:]
+ } else {
+ return ""
+ }
+func (v *Viper) getConfigFile() string {
+ // if explicitly set, then use it
+ if v.configFile != "" {
+ return v.configFile
+ }
+ cf, err := v.findConfigFile()
+ if err != nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ v.configFile = cf
+ return v.getConfigFile()
+func (v *Viper) searchInPath(in string) (filename string) {
+ jww.DEBUG.Println("Searching for config in ", in)
+ for _, ext := range SupportedExts {
+ jww.DEBUG.Println("Checking for", filepath.Join(in, v.configName+"."+ext))
+ if b, _ := exists(filepath.Join(in, v.configName+"."+ext)); b {
+ jww.DEBUG.Println("Found: ", filepath.Join(in, v.configName+"."+ext))
+ return filepath.Join(in, v.configName+"."+ext)
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+// search all configPaths for any config file.
+// Returns the first path that exists (and is a config file)
+func (v *Viper) findConfigFile() (string, error) {
+ jww.INFO.Println("Searching for config in ", v.configPaths)
+ for _, cp := range v.configPaths {
+ file := v.searchInPath(cp)
+ if file != "" {
+ return file, nil
+ }
+ }
+ return "", ConfigFileNotFoundError{v.configName, fmt.Sprintf("%s", v.configPaths)}
+// Prints all configuration registries for debugging
+// purposes.
+func Debug() { v.Debug() }
+func (v *Viper) Debug() {
+ fmt.Println("Aliases:")
+ fmt.Printf("Aliases:\n%#v\n", v.aliases)
+ fmt.Printf("Override:\n%#v\n", v.override)
+ fmt.Printf("PFlags:\n%#v\n", v.pflags)
+ fmt.Printf("Env:\n%#v\n", v.env)
+ fmt.Printf("Key/Value Store:\n%#v\n", v.kvstore)
+ fmt.Printf("Config:\n%#v\n", v.config)
+ fmt.Printf("Defaults:\n%#v\n", v.defaults)