diff options
authorJay Satiro <raysatiro@yahoo.com>2015-04-08 12:09:30 -0400
committerJay Satiro <raysatiro@yahoo.com>2015-04-11 02:16:59 -0400
commit139141f8d73eb5820a64b100485572a263f4156b (patch)
parente44155156a1bdaa62c19397f45302b389779061c (diff)
build: Generate source prerequisites for Visual Studio in generate.bat
Prior to this change Visual Studio builds could fail due to missing prerequisites src/tool_hugehelp.c and include/curl/curlbuild.h. http://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2015-04/0034.html
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/projects/generate.bat b/projects/generate.bat
index d847769c4..2aa04de90 100644
--- a/projects/generate.bat
+++ b/projects/generate.bat
@@ -21,15 +21,40 @@ rem * KIND, either express or implied.
rem *
rem ***************************************************************************
+rem NOTES
+rem Do not set %ERRORLEVEL% to anything. %ERRORLEVEL% is a special variable
+rem that only contains errorlevel when %ERRORLEVEL% is not set. Same for %CD%.
+rem http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2008/09/26/8965755.aspx
+rem If you need to set the errorlevel do this instead: CALL :seterr [#]
rem Check we are running on a Windows NT derived OS
if not "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto nodos
+ rem Check we are not running on a network drive
+ if "%~d0."=="\\." goto nonetdrv
+ rem Switch to this batch file's directory
+ cd /d "%~0\.." 1>NUL 2>&1
rem Set our variables
- setlocal
+ rem Detect programs. HAVE_<PROGNAME>
+ rem When not found the variable is set undefined. The undefined pattern
+ rem allows for statements like "if not defined HAVE_PERL (command)"
+ groff --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
+ if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (set HAVE_GROFF=Y) else (set HAVE_GROFF=)
+ nroff --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
+ if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (set HAVE_NROFF=Y) else (set HAVE_NROFF=)
+ perl --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
+ if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (set HAVE_PERL=Y) else (set HAVE_PERL=)
+ gzip --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
+ if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (set HAVE_GZIP=Y) else (set HAVE_GZIP=)
rem Display the help
if /i "%~1" == "-?" goto syntax
if /i "%~1" == "-h" goto syntax
@@ -62,6 +87,19 @@ rem ***************************************************************************
shift & goto parseArgs
+ if "%MODE%" == "GENERATE" (
+ echo.
+ echo Generating prerequisite files
+ CALL :gen_curlbuild
+ if errorlevel 1 goto error
+ CALL :gen_hugehelp
+ if errorlevel 1 goto error
+ ) else (
+ echo.
+ echo Removing prerequisite files
+ call :clean ..\include\curl\curlbuild.h
+ call :clean ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ )
if "%VERSION%" == "VC6" goto vc6
if "%VERSION%" == "VC7" goto vc7
if "%VERSION%" == "VC7.1" goto vc71
@@ -337,6 +375,66 @@ rem
exit /B
+rem CALL this function to generate ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+rem Returns exit code 0 on success or 1 on failure.
+ setlocal
+ set LC_ALL=C
+ set ROFFCMD=
+ if defined HAVE_PERL (
+ if defined HAVE_GROFF (
+ set ROFFCMD=groff -mtty-char -Tascii -P-c -man
+ ) else if defined HAVE_NROFF (
+ set ROFFCMD=nroff -c -Tascii -man
+ )
+ )
+ echo * %CD%\..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ echo #include "tool_setup.h"> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ echo #include "tool_hugehelp.h">> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ if defined ROFFCMD (
+ if defined HAVE_GZIP (
+ echo #ifndef HAVE_LIBZ>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ )
+ %ROFFCMD% ..\docs\curl.1 2>NUL | perl ..\src\mkhelp.pl ..\docs\MANUAL >> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ if defined HAVE_GZIP (
+ echo #else>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ %ROFFCMD% ..\docs\curl.1 2>NUL | perl ..\src\mkhelp.pl -c ..\docs\MANUAL >> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ echo #endif /^* HAVE_LIBZ ^*/>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ )
+ ) else (
+ echo.
+ echo Warning: The curl manual could not be integrated in the source. This means when
+ echo you build curl the manual will not be available (curl --man^). Integration of
+ echo the manual is not required and a summary of the options will still be available
+ echo (curl --help^). To integrate the manual your PATH is required to have
+ echo groff/nroff, perl and optionally gzip for compression.
+ echo.
+ echo void hugehelp(void^)>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ echo #ifdef USE_MANUAL>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ echo { fputs("built-in manual not included\n", stdout^); }>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ echo #else>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ echo {}>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ echo #endif>> ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ )
+ findstr "/C:void hugehelp(void)" ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c 1>NUL 2>&1
+ echo Error: Unable to generate ..\src\tool_hugehelp.c
+ exit /B 1
+ )
+ exit /B 0
+rem CALL this function to generate ..\include\curl\curlbuild.h
+rem Returns exit code 0 on success or 1 on failure.
+ setlocal
+ echo * %CD%\..\include\curl\curlbuild.h
+ copy /y ..\include\curl\curlbuild.h.dist ..\include\curl\curlbuild.h 1>NUL
+ echo Error: Unable to generate ..\include\curl\curlbuild.h
+ exit /B 1
+ )
+ exit /B 0
rem Display the help
@@ -366,6 +464,23 @@ rem
echo Error: Only a Windows NT based Operating System is supported
goto error
+ echo.
+ echo Error: This batch file cannot run from a network drive
+ goto error
+ rem Set the caller's errorlevel.
+ rem %1[opt]: Errorlevel as integer.
+ rem If %1 is empty the errorlevel will be set to 0.
+ rem If %1 is not empty and not an integer the errorlevel will be set to 1.
+ setlocal
+ set EXITCODE=%~1
+ if not defined EXITCODE set EXITCODE=0
+ echo %EXITCODE%|findstr /r "[^0-9\-]" 1>NUL 2>&1
+ exit /b %EXITCODE%
exit /B 1