path: root/docs/libcurl/libcurl-tutorial.3
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authorDaniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>2004-06-21 08:17:08 +0000
committerDaniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>2004-06-21 08:17:08 +0000
commit1e99f1ee41cbad7c300e655ba72dc918035ffbfd (patch)
tree93eeee99cafaeae7a64d443b1eca81a4820765ad /docs/libcurl/libcurl-tutorial.3
parentd7fe136d54721bc904c2b6e5154111f03aa647a1 (diff)
libcurl-tutorial.3 is the former libcurl-the-guide converted to man page format
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/libcurl/libcurl-tutorial.3')
1 files changed, 1171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/libcurl/libcurl-tutorial.3 b/docs/libcurl/libcurl-tutorial.3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1716b692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/libcurl/libcurl-tutorial.3
@@ -0,0 +1,1171 @@
+.\" **************************************************************************
+.\" * _ _ ____ _
+.\" * Project ___| | | | _ \| |
+.\" * / __| | | | |_) | |
+.\" * | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
+.\" * \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
+.\" *
+.\" * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
+.\" *
+.\" * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+.\" * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+.\" * are also available at http://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html.
+.\" *
+.\" * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
+.\" * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
+.\" * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
+.\" *
+.\" * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+.\" * KIND, either express or implied.
+.\" *
+.\" * $Id$
+.\" **************************************************************************
+.TH libcurl-tutorial 3 "18 Jun 2004" "libcurl" "libcurl programming"
+libcurl-tutorial \- libcurl programming tutorial
+.SH "Objective"
+This document attempts to describe the general principles and some basic
+approaches to consider when programming with libcurl. The text will focus
+mainly on the C interface but might apply fairly well on other interfaces as
+well as they usually follow the C one pretty closely.
+This document will refer to 'the user' as the person writing the source code
+that uses libcurl. That would probably be you or someone in your position.
+What will be generally referred to as 'the program' will be the collected
+source code that you write that is using libcurl for transfers. The program
+is outside libcurl and libcurl is outside of the program.
+To get the more details on all options and functions described herein, please
+refer to their respective man pages.
+.SH "Building"
+There are many different ways to build C programs. This chapter will assume a
+unix-style build process. If you use a different build system, you can still
+read this to get general information that may apply to your environment as
+.IP "Compiling the Program"
+Your compiler needs to know where the libcurl headers are located. Therefore
+you must set your compiler's include path to point to the directory where you
+installed them. The 'curl-config'[3] tool can be used to get this information:
+$ curl-config --cflags
+.IP "Linking the Program with libcurl"
+When having compiled the program, you need to link your object files to create
+a single executable. For that to succeed, you need to link with libcurl and
+possibly also with other libraries that libcurl itself depends on. Like the
+OpenSSL libraries, but even some standard OS libraries may be needed on the
+command line. To figure out which flags to use, once again the 'curl-config'
+tool comes to the rescue:
+$ curl-config --libs
+.IP "SSL or Not"
+libcurl can be built and customized in many ways. One of the things that
+varies from different libraries and builds is the support for SSL-based
+transfers, like HTTPS and FTPS. If OpenSSL was detected properly at
+build-time, libcurl will be built with SSL support. To figure out if an
+installed libcurl has been built with SSL support enabled, use 'curl-config'
+like this:
+$ curl-config --feature
+And if SSL is supported, the keyword 'SSL' will be written to stdout,
+possibly together with a few other features that can be on and off on
+different libcurls.
+See also the "Features libcurl Provides" further down.
+.SH "Portable Code in a Portable World"
+The people behind libcurl have put a considerable effort to make libcurl work
+on a large amount of different operating systems and environments.
+You program libcurl the same way on all platforms that libcurl runs on. There
+are only very few minor considerations that differs. If you just make sure to
+write your code portable enough, you may very well create yourself a very
+portable program. libcurl shouldn't stop you from that.
+.SH "Global Preparation"
+The program must initialize some of the libcurl functionality globally. That
+means it should be done exactly once, no matter how many times you intend to
+use the library. Once for your program's entire life time. This is done using
+ curl_global_init()
+and it takes one parameter which is a bit pattern that tells libcurl what to
+initialize. Using CURL_GLOBAL_ALL will make it initialize all known internal
+sub modules, and might be a good default option. The current two bits that
+are specified are:
+which only does anything on Windows machines. When used on
+a Windows machine, it'll make libcurl initialize the win32 socket
+stuff. Without having that initialized properly, your program cannot use
+sockets properly. You should only do this once for each application, so if
+your program already does this or of another library in use does it, you
+should not tell libcurl to do this as well.
+which only does anything on libcurls compiled and built
+SSL-enabled. On these systems, this will make libcurl initialize OpenSSL
+properly for this application. This is only needed to do once for each
+application so if your program or another library already does this, this
+bit should not be needed.
+libcurl has a default protection mechanism that detects if curl_global_init()
+hasn't been called by the time curl_easy_perform() is called and if that is
+the case, libcurl runs the function itself with a guessed bit pattern. Please
+note that depending solely on this is not considered nice nor very good.
+When the program no longer uses libcurl, it should call curl_global_cleanup(),
+which is the opposite of the init call. It will then do the reversed
+operations to cleanup the resources the curl_global_init() call initialized.
+Repeated calls to curl_global_init() and curl_global_cleanup() should be
+avoided. They should only be called once each.
+.SH "Features libcurl Provides"
+It is considered best-practice to determine libcurl features run-time rather
+than build-time (if possible of course). By calling curl_version_info() and
+checking tout he details of the returned struct, your program can figure out
+exactly what the currently running libcurl supports.
+.SH "Handle the Easy libcurl"
+libcurl first introduced the so called easy interface. All operations in the
+easy interface are prefixed with 'curl_easy'.
+Recent libcurl versions also offer the multi interface. More about that
+interface, what it is targeted for and how to use it is detailed in a separate
+chapter further down. You still need to understand the easy interface first,
+so please continue reading for better understanding.
+To use the easy interface, you must first create yourself an easy handle. You
+need one handle for each easy session you want to perform. Basically, you
+should use one handle for every thread you plan to use for transferring. You
+must never share the same handle in multiple threads.
+Get an easy handle with
+ easyhandle = curl_easy_init();
+It returns an easy handle. Using that you proceed to the next step: setting
+up your preferred actions. A handle is just a logic entity for the upcoming
+transfer or series of transfers.
+You set properties and options for this handle using curl_easy_setopt(). They
+control how the subsequent transfer or transfers will be made. Options remain
+set in the handle until set again to something different. Alas, multiple
+requests using the same handle will use the same options.
+Many of the options you set in libcurl are "strings", pointers to data
+terminated with a zero byte. Keep in mind that when you set strings with
+curl_easy_setopt(), libcurl will not copy the data. It will merely point to
+the data. You MUST make sure that the data remains available for libcurl to
+use until finished or until you use the same option again to point to
+something else.
+One of the most basic properties to set in the handle is the URL. You set
+your preferred URL to transfer with CURLOPT_URL in a manner similar to:
+ curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, "http://domain.com/");
+Let's assume for a while that you want to receive data as the URL identifies a
+remote resource you want to get here. Since you write a sort of application
+that needs this transfer, I assume that you would like to get the data passed
+to you directly instead of simply getting it passed to stdout. So, you write
+your own function that matches this prototype:
+ size_t write_data(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp);
+You tell libcurl to pass all data to this function by issuing a function
+similar to this:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data);
+You can control what data your function get in the forth argument by setting
+another property:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_FILE, &internal_struct);
+Using that property, you can easily pass local data between your application
+and the function that gets invoked by libcurl. libcurl itself won't touch the
+data you pass with CURLOPT_FILE.
+libcurl offers its own default internal callback that'll take care of the data
+if you don't set the callback with CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION. It will then simply
+output the received data to stdout. You can have the default callback write
+the data to a different file handle by passing a 'FILE *' to a file opened for
+writing with the CURLOPT_FILE option.
+Now, we need to take a step back and have a deep breath. Here's one of those
+rare platform-dependent nitpicks. Did you spot it? On some platforms[2],
+libcurl won't be able to operate on files opened by the program. Thus, if you
+use the default callback and pass in a an open file with CURLOPT_FILE, it will
+crash. You should therefore avoid this to make your program run fine virtually
+There are of course many more options you can set, and we'll get back to a few
+of them later. Let's instead continue to the actual transfer:
+ success = curl_easy_perform(easyhandle);
+The \fIcurl_easy_perform(3)\fP will connect to the remote site, do the
+necessary commands and receive the transfer. Whenever it receives data, it
+calls the callback function we previously set. The function may get one byte
+at a time, or it may get many kilobytes at once. libcurl delivers as much as
+possible as often as possible. Your callback function should return the number
+of bytes it "took care of". If that is not the exact same amount of bytes that
+was passed to it, libcurl will abort the operation and return with an error
+When the transfer is complete, the function returns a return code that informs
+you if it succeeded in its mission or not. If a return code isn't enough for
+you, you can use the CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER to point libcurl to a buffer of yours
+where it'll store a human readable error message as well.
+If you then want to transfer another file, the handle is ready to be used
+again. Mind you, it is even preferred that you re-use an existing handle if
+you intend to make another transfer. libcurl will then attempt to re-use the
+.SH "Multi-threading Issues"
+libcurl is completely thread safe, except for two issues: signals and alarm
+handlers. Signals are needed for a SIGPIPE handler, and the alarm() Bacall
+is used to catch timeouts (mostly during ENS lookup).
+If you are accessing HTTPS or FTPS URLs in a multi-threaded manner, you are
+then of course using OpenSSL multi-threaded and it has itself a few
+requirements on this. Basilio, you need to provide one or two functions to
+allow it to function properly. For all details, see this:
+ http://www.openssl.org/docs/crypto/threads.html#DESCRIPTION
+When using multiple threads you should set the CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL option to
+TRUE for all handles. Everything will work fine except that timeouts are not
+honored during the DNS lookup - which you can work around by building libcurl
+with c-ares support. c-ares is a library that provides asynchronous name
+resolves. Unfortunately, c-ares does not yet support IPv6.
+Also, note that CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE is not thread-safe.
+.SH "When It Doesn't Work"
+There will always be times when the transfer fails for some reason. You might
+have set the wrong libcurl option or misunderstood what the libcurl option
+actually does, or the remote server might return non-standard replies that
+confuse the library which then confuses your program.
+There's one golden rule when these things occur: set the CURLOPT_VERBOSE
+option to TRUE. It'll cause the library to spew out the entire protocol
+details it sends, some internal info and some received protocol data as well
+(especially when using FTP). If you're using HTTP, adding the headers in the
+received output to study is also a clever way to get a better understanding
+why the server behaves the way it does. Include headers in the normal body
+output with CURLOPT_HEADER set TRUE.
+Of course there are bugs left. We need to get to know about them to be able
+to fix them, so we're quite dependent on your bug reports! When you do report
+suspected bugs in libcurl, please include as much details you possibly can: a
+protocol dump that CURLOPT_VERBOSE produces, library version, as much as
+possible of your code that uses libcurl, operating system name and version,
+compiler name and version etc.
+If CURLOPT_VERBOSE is not enough, you increase the level of debug data your
+application receive by using the CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION.
+Getting some in-depth knowledge about the protocols involved is never wrong,
+and if you're trying to do funny things, you might very well understand
+libcurl and how to use it better if you study the appropriate RFC documents
+at least briefly.
+.SH "Upload Data to a Remote Site"
+libcurl tries to keep a protocol independent approach to most transfers, thus
+uploading to a remote FTP site is very similar to uploading data to a HTTP
+server with a PUT request.
+Of course, first you either create an easy handle or you re-use one existing
+one. Then you set the URL to operate on just like before. This is the remote
+URL, that we now will upload.
+Since we write an application, we most likely want libcurl to get the upload
+data by asking us for it. To make it do that, we set the read callback and
+the custom pointer libcurl will pass to our read callback. The read callback
+should have a prototype similar to:
+ size_t function(char *bufptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *userp);
+Where bufptr is the pointer to a buffer we fill in with data to upload and
+size*nitems is the size of the buffer and therefore also the maximum amount
+of data we can return to libcurl in this call. The 'userp' pointer is the
+custom pointer we set to point to a struct of ours to pass private data
+between the application and the callback.
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, read_function);
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_INFILE, &filedata);
+Tell libcurl that we want to upload:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, TRUE);
+A few protocols won't behave properly when uploads are done without any prior
+knowledge of the expected file size. So, set the upload file size using the
+CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE for all known file sizes like this[1]:
+ /* in this example, file_size must be an off_t variable */
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE, file_size);
+When you call curl_easy_perform() this time, it'll perform all the necessary
+operations and when it has invoked the upload it'll call your supplied
+callback to get the data to upload. The program should return as much data as
+possible in every invoke, as that is likely to make the upload perform as
+fast as possible. The callback should return the number of bytes it wrote in
+the buffer. Returning 0 will signal the end of the upload.
+.SH "Passwords"
+Many protocols use or even require that user name and password are provided
+to be able to download or upload the data of your choice. libcurl offers
+several ways to specify them.
+Most protocols support that you specify the name and password in the URL
+itself. libcurl will detect this and use them accordingly. This is written
+like this:
+ protocol://user:password@example.com/path/
+If you need any odd letters in your user name or password, you should enter
+them URL encoded, as %XX where XX is a two-digit hexadecimal number.
+libcurl also provides options to set various passwords. The user name and
+password as shown embedded in the URL can instead get set with the
+CURLOPT_USERPWD option. The argument passed to libcurl should be a char * to
+a string in the format "user:password:". In a manner like this:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "myname:thesecret");
+Another case where name and password might be needed at times, is for those
+users who need to authenticate themselves to a proxy they use. libcurl offers
+another option for this, the CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD. It is used quite similar
+to the CURLOPT_USERPWD option like this:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, "myname:thesecret");
+There's a long time unix "standard" way of storing ftp user names and
+passwords, namely in the $HOME/.netrc file. The file should be made private
+so that only the user may read it (see also the "Security Considerations"
+chapter), as it might contain the password in plain text. libcurl has the
+ability to use this file to figure out what set of user name and password to
+use for a particular host. As an extension to the normal functionality,
+libcurl also supports this file for non-FTP protocols such as HTTP. To make
+curl use this file, use the CURLOPT_NETRC option:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_NETRC, TRUE);
+And a very basic example of how such a .netrc file may look like:
+ machine myhost.mydomain.com
+ login userlogin
+ password secretword
+All these examples have been cases where the password has been optional, or
+at least you could leave it out and have libcurl attempt to do its job
+without it. There are times when the password isn't optional, like when
+you're using an SSL private key for secure transfers.
+To pass the known private key password to libcurl:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD, "keypassword");
+.SH "HTTP Authentication"
+The previous chapter showed how to set user name and password for getting
+URLs that require authentication. When using the HTTP protocol, there are
+many different ways a client can provide those credentials to the server and
+you can control what way libcurl will (attempt to) use. The default HTTP
+authentication method is called 'Basic', which is sending the name and
+password in clear-text in the HTTP request, base64-encoded. This is insecure.
+At the time of this writing libcurl can be built to use: Basic, Digest, NTLM,
+Negotiate, GSS-Negotiate and SPNEGO. You can tell libcurl which one to use
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_DIGEST);
+And when you send authentication to a proxy, you can also set authentication
+type the same way but instead with CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, CURLAUTH_NTLM);
+Both these options allow you to set multiple types (by ORing them together),
+to make libcurl pick the most secure one out of the types the server/proxy
+claims to support. This method does however add a round-trip since libcurl
+must first ask the server what it supports:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH,
+For convenience, you can use the 'CURLAUTH_ANY' define (instead of a list
+with specific types) which allows libcurl to use whatever method it wants.
+When asking for multiple types, libcurl will pick the available one it
+considers "best" in its own internal order of preference.
+We get many questions regarding how to issue HTTP POSTs with libcurl the
+proper way. This chapter will thus include examples using both different
+versions of HTTP POST that libcurl supports.
+The first version is the simple POST, the most common version, that most HTML
+pages using the <form> tag uses. We provide a pointer to the data and tell
+libcurl to post it all to the remote site:
+ char *data="name=daniel&project=curl";
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, data);
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_URL, "http://posthere.com/");
+ curl_easy_perform(easyhandle); /* post away! */
+Simple enough, huh? Since you set the POST options with the
+CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, this automatically switches the handle to use POST in the
+upcoming request.
+Ok, so what if you want to post binary data that also requires you to set the
+Content-Type: header of the post? Well, binary posts prevents libcurl from
+being able to do strlen() on the data to figure out the size, so therefore we
+must tell libcurl the size of the post data. Setting headers in libcurl
+requests are done in a generic way, by building a list of our own headers and
+then passing that list to libcurl.
+ struct curl_slist *headers=NULL;
+ headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Content-Type: text/xml");
+ /* post binary data */
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, binaryptr);
+ /* set the size of the postfields data */
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, 23);
+ /* pass our list of custom made headers */
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);
+ curl_easy_perform(easyhandle); /* post away! */
+ curl_slist_free_all(headers); /* free the header list */
+While the simple examples above cover the majority of all cases where HTTP
+POST operations are required, they don't do multi-part formposts. Multi-part
+formposts were introduced as a better way to post (possibly large) binary
+data and was first documented in the RFC1867. They're called multi-part
+because they're built by a chain of parts, each being a single unit. Each
+part has its own name and contents. You can in fact create and post a
+multi-part formpost with the regular libcurl POST support described above, but
+that would require that you build a formpost yourself and provide to
+libcurl. To make that easier, libcurl provides curl_formadd(). Using this
+function, you add parts to the form. When you're done adding parts, you post
+the whole form.
+The following example sets two simple text parts with plain textual contents,
+and then a file with binary contents and upload the whole thing.
+ struct curl_httppost *post=NULL;
+ struct curl_httppost *last=NULL;
+ curl_formadd(&post, &last,
+ curl_formadd(&post, &last,
+ curl_formadd(&post, &last,
+ CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "logotype-image",
+ /* Set the form info */
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, post);
+ curl_easy_perform(easyhandle); /* post away! */
+ /* free the post data again */
+ curl_formfree(post);
+Multipart formposts are chains of parts using MIME-style separators and
+headers. It means that each one of these separate parts get a few headers set
+that describe the individual content-type, size etc. To enable your
+application to handicraft this formpost even more, libcurl allows you to
+supply your own set of custom headers to such an individual form part. You can
+of course supply headers to as many parts you like, but this little example
+will show how you set headers to one specific part when you add that to the
+post handle:
+ struct curl_slist *headers=NULL;
+ headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Content-Type: text/xml");
+ curl_formadd(&post, &last,
+ CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "logotype-image",
+ curl_easy_perform(easyhandle); /* post away! */
+ curl_formfree(post); /* free post */
+ curl_slist_free_all(post); /* free custom header list */
+Since all options on an easyhandle are "sticky", they remain the same until
+changed even if you do call curl_easy_perform(), you may need to tell curl to
+go back to a plain GET request if you intend to do such a one as your next
+request. You force an easyhandle to back to GET by using the CURLOPT_HTTPGET
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, TRUE);
+Just setting CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS to "" or NULL will *not* stop libcurl from
+doing a POST. It will just make it POST without any data to send!
+.SH "Showing Progress"
+For historical and traditional reasons, libcurl has a built-in progress meter
+that can be switched on and then makes it presents a progress meter in your
+Switch on the progress meter by, oddly enough, set CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS to
+FALSE. This option is set to TRUE by default.
+For most applications however, the built-in progress meter is useless and
+what instead is interesting is the ability to specify a progress
+callback. The function pointer you pass to libcurl will then be called on
+irregular intervals with information about the current transfer.
+Set the progress callback by using CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION. And pass a
+pointer to a function that matches this prototype:
+ int progress_callback(void *clientp,
+ double dltotal,
+ double dlnow,
+ double ultotal,
+ double ulnow);
+If any of the input arguments is unknown, a 0 will be passed. The first
+argument, the 'clientp' is the pointer you pass to libcurl with
+CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA. libcurl won't touch it.
+.SH "libcurl with C++"
+There's basically only one thing to keep in mind when using C++ instead of C
+when interfacing libcurl:
+ "The Callbacks Must Be Plain C"
+So if you want a write callback set in libcurl, you should put it within
+\&'extern'. Similar to this:
+ extern "C" {
+ size_t write_data(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
+ void *ourpointer)
+ {
+ /* do what you want with the data */
+ }
+ }
+This will of course effectively turn the callback code into C. There won't be
+any "this" pointer available etc.
+.SH "Proxies"
+What "proxy" means according to Merriam-Webster: "a person authorized to act
+for another" but also "the agency, function, or office of a deputy who acts as
+a substitute for another".
+Proxies are exceedingly common these days. Companies often only offer
+Internet access to employees through their HTTP proxies. Network clients or
+user-agents ask the proxy for documents, the proxy does the actual request
+and then it returns them.
+libcurl has full support for HTTP proxies, so when a given URL is wanted,
+libcurl will ask the proxy for it instead of trying to connect to the actual
+host identified in the URL.
+The fact that the proxy is a HTTP proxy puts certain restrictions on what can
+actually happen. A requested URL that might not be a HTTP URL will be still
+be passed to the HTTP proxy to deliver back to libcurl. This happens
+transparently, and an application may not need to know. I say "may", because
+at times it is very important to understand that all operations over a HTTP
+proxy is using the HTTP protocol. For example, you can't invoke your own
+custom FTP commands or even proper FTP directory listings.
+.IP "Proxy Options"
+To tell libcurl to use a proxy at a given port number:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_PROXY, "proxy-host.com:8080");
+Some proxies require user authentication before allowing a request, and you
+pass that information similar to this:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, "user:password");
+If you want to, you can specify the host name only in the CURLOPT_PROXY
+option, and set the port number separately with CURLOPT_PROXYPORT.
+.IP "Environment Variables"
+libcurl automatically checks and uses a set of environment variables to
+know what proxies to use for certain protocols. The names of the variables
+are following an ancient de facto standard and are built up as
+"[protocol]_proxy" (note the lower casing). Which makes the variable
+'http_proxy' checked for a name of a proxy to use when the input URL is
+HTTP. Following the same rule, the variable named 'ftp_proxy' is checked
+for FTP URLs. Again, the proxies are always HTTP proxies, the different
+names of the variables simply allows different HTTP proxies to be used.
+The proxy environment variable contents should be in the format
+\&"[protocol://][user:password@]machine[:port]". Where the protocol:// part is
+simply ignored if present (so http://proxy and bluerk://proxy will do the
+same) and the optional port number specifies on which port the proxy operates
+on the host. If not specified, the internal default port number will be used
+and that is most likely *not* the one you would like it to be.
+There are two special environment variables. 'all_proxy' is what sets proxy
+for any URL in case the protocol specific variable wasn't set, and
+\&'no_proxy' defines a list of hosts that should not use a proxy even though a
+variable may say so. If 'no_proxy' is a plain asterisk ("*") it matches all
+.IP "SSL and Proxies"
+SSL is for secure point-to-point connections. This involves strong encryption
+and similar things, which effectively makes it impossible for a proxy to
+operate as a "man in between" which the proxy's task is, as previously
+discussed. Instead, the only way to have SSL work over a HTTP proxy is to ask
+the proxy to tunnel trough everything without being able to check or fiddle
+with the traffic.
+Opening an SSL connection over a HTTP proxy is therefor a matter of asking the
+proxy for a straight connection to the target host on a specified port. This
+is made with the HTTP request CONNECT. ("please mr proxy, connect me to that
+remote host").
+Because of the nature of this operation, where the proxy has no idea what kind
+of data that is passed in and out through this tunnel, this breaks some of the
+very few advantages that come from using a proxy, such as caching. Many
+organizations prevent this kind of tunneling to other destination port numbers
+than 443 (which is the default HTTPS port number).
+.IP "Tunneling Through Proxy"
+As explained above, tunneling is required for SSL to work and often even
+restricted to the operation intended for SSL; HTTPS.
+This is however not the only time proxy-tunneling might offer benefits to
+you or your application.
+As tunneling opens a direct connection from your application to the remote
+machine, it suddenly also re-introduces the ability to do non-HTTP
+operations over a HTTP proxy. You can in fact use things such as FTP
+upload or FTP custom commands this way.
+Again, this is often prevented by the administrators of proxies and is
+rarely allowed.
+Tell libcurl to use proxy tunneling like this:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, TRUE);
+In fact, there might even be times when you want to do plain HTTP
+operations using a tunnel like this, as it then enables you to operate on
+the remote server instead of asking the proxy to do so. libcurl will not
+stand in the way for such innovative actions either!
+.IP "Proxy Auto-Config"
+Netscape first came up with this. It is basically a web page (usually using a
+\&.pac extension) with a javascript that when executed by the browser with the
+requested URL as input, returns information to the browser on how to connect
+to the URL. The returned information might be "DIRECT" (which means no proxy
+should be used), "PROXY host:port" (to tell the browser where the proxy for
+this particular URL is) or "SOCKS host:port" (to direct the browser to a SOCKS
+libcurl has no means to interpret or evaluate javascript and thus it doesn't
+support this. If you get yourself in a position where you face this nasty
+invention, the following advice have been mentioned and used in the past:
+- Depending on the javascript complexity, write up a script that translates it
+to another language and execute that.
+- Read the javascript code and rewrite the same logic in another language.
+- Implement a javascript interpreted, people have successfully used the
+Mozilla javascript engine in the past.
+- Ask your admins to stop this, for a static proxy setup or similar.
+.SH "Persistence Is The Way to Happiness"
+Re-cycling the same easy handle several times when doing multiple requests is
+the way to go.
+After each single curl_easy_perform() operation, libcurl will keep the
+connection alive and open. A subsequent request using the same easy handle to
+the same host might just be able to use the already open connection! This
+reduces network impact a lot.
+Even if the connection is dropped, all connections involving SSL to the same
+host again, will benefit from libcurl's session ID cache that drastically
+reduces re-connection time.
+FTP connections that are kept alive saves a lot of time, as the command-
+response round-trips are skipped, and also you don't risk getting blocked
+without permission to login again like on many FTP servers only allowing N
+persons to be logged in at the same time.
+libcurl caches DNS name resolving results, to make lookups of a previously
+looked up name a lot faster.
+Other interesting details that improve performance for subsequent requests
+may also be added in the future.
+Each easy handle will attempt to keep the last few connections alive for a
+while in case they are to be used again. You can set the size of this "cache"
+with the CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS option. Default is 5. It is very seldom any
+point in changing this value, and if you think of changing this it is often
+just a matter of thinking again.
+When the connection cache gets filled, libcurl must close an existing
+connection in order to get room for the new one. To know which connection to
+close, libcurl uses a "close policy" that you can affect with the
+CURLOPT_CLOSEPOLICY option. There's only two polices implemented as of this
+writing (libcurl 7.9.4) and they are:
+simply close the one that hasn't been used for the longest time. This is the
+default behavior.
+closes the oldest connection, the one that was created the longest time ago.
+There are, or at least were, plans to support a close policy that would call
+a user-specified callback to let the user be able to decide which connection
+to dump when this is necessary and therefor is the CURLOPT_CLOSEFUNCTION an
+existing option still today. Nothing ever uses this though and this will not
+be used within the foreseeable future either.
+To force your upcoming request to not use an already existing connection (it
+will even close one first if there happens to be one alive to the same host
+you're about to operate on), you can do that by setting CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT
+to TRUE. In a similar spirit, you can also forbid the upcoming request to be
+"lying" around and possibly get re-used after the request by setting
+.SH "HTTP Headers Used by libcurl"
+When you use libcurl to do HTTP requests, it'll pass along a series of headers
+automatically. It might be good for you to know and understand these ones.
+.IP "Host"
+This header is required by HTTP 1.1 and even many 1.0 servers and should be
+the name of the server we want to talk to. This includes the port number if
+anything but default.
+.IP "Pragma"
+\&"no-cache". Tells a possible proxy to not grab a copy from the cache but to
+fetch a fresh one.
+.IP "Accept"
+.IP "Expect:"
+When doing multi-part formposts, libcurl will set this header to
+\&"100-continue" to ask the server for an "OK" message before it proceeds with
+sending the data part of the post.
+.SH "Customizing Operations"
+There is an ongoing development today where more and more protocols are built
+upon HTTP for transport. This has obvious benefits as HTTP is a tested and
+reliable protocol that is widely deployed and have excellent proxy-support.
+When you use one of these protocols, and even when doing other kinds of
+programming you may need to change the traditional HTTP (or FTP or...)
+manners. You may need to change words, headers or various data.
+libcurl is your friend here too.
+If just changing the actual HTTP request keyword is what you want, like when
+GET, HEAD or POST is not good enough for you, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST is there
+for you. It is very simple to use:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "MYOWNRUQUEST");
+When using the custom request, you change the request keyword of the actual
+request you are performing. Thus, by default you make GET request but you can
+also make a POST operation (as described before) and then replace the POST
+keyword if you want to. You're the boss.
+.IP "Modify Headers"
+HTTP-like protocols pass a series of headers to the server when doing the
+request, and you're free to pass any amount of extra headers that you
+think fit. Adding headers are this easy:
+ struct curl_slist *headers=NULL; /* init to NULL is important */
+ headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Hey-server-hey: how are you?");
+ headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "X-silly-content: yes");
+ /* pass our list of custom made headers */
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);
+ curl_easy_perform(easyhandle); /* transfer http */
+ curl_slist_free_all(headers); /* free the header list */
+\&... and if you think some of the internally generated headers, such as
+Accept: or Host: don't contain the data you want them to contain, you can
+replace them by simply setting them too:
+ headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Accept: Agent-007");
+ headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Host: munged.host.line");
+.IP "Delete Headers"
+If you replace an existing header with one with no contents, you will prevent
+the header from being sent. Like if you want to completely prevent the
+\&"Accept:" header to be sent, you can disable it with code similar to this:
+ headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Accept:");
+Both replacing and canceling internal headers should be done with careful
+consideration and you should be aware that you may violate the HTTP protocol
+when doing so.
+.IP "Enforcing chunked transfer-encoding"
+By making sure a request uses the custom header "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"
+when doing a non-GET HTTP operation, libcurl will switch over to "chunked"
+upload, even though the size of the data to upload might be known. By default,
+libcurl usually switches over to chunked upload automatically if the upload
+data size is unknown.
+.IP "HTTP Version"
+There's only one aspect left in the HTTP requests that we haven't yet
+mentioned how to modify: the version field. All HTTP requests includes the
+version number to tell the server which version we support. libcurl speak
+HTTP 1.1 by default. Some very old servers don't like getting 1.1-requests
+and when dealing with stubborn old things like that, you can tell libcurl
+to use 1.0 instead by doing something like this:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURLHTTP_VERSION_1_0);
+.IP "FTP Custom Commands"
+Not all protocols are HTTP-like, and thus the above may not help you when
+you want to make for example your FTP transfers to behave differently.
+Sending custom commands to a FTP server means that you need to send the
+commands exactly as the FTP server expects them (RFC959 is a good guide
+here), and you can only use commands that work on the control-connection
+alone. All kinds of commands that requires data interchange and thus needs
+a data-connection must be left to libcurl's own judgment. Also be aware
+that libcurl will do its very best to change directory to the target
+directory before doing any transfer, so if you change directory (with CWD
+or similar) you might confuse libcurl and then it might not attempt to
+transfer the file in the correct remote directory.
+A little example that deletes a given file before an operation:
+ headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "DELE file-to-remove");
+ /* pass the list of custom commands to the handle */
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_QUOTE, headers);
+ curl_easy_perform(easyhandle); /* transfer ftp data! */
+ curl_slist_free_all(headers); /* free the header list */
+If you would instead want this operation (or chain of operations) to happen
+_after_ the data transfer took place the option to curl_easy_setopt() would
+instead be called CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE and used the exact same way.
+The custom FTP command will be issued to the server in the same order they are
+added to the list, and if a command gets an error code returned back from the
+server, no more commands will be issued and libcurl will bail out with an
+error code (CURLE_FTP_QUOTE_ERROR). Note that if you use CURLOPT_QUOTE to send
+commands before a transfer, no transfer will actually take place when a quote
+command has failed.
+If you set the CURLOPT_HEADER to true, you will tell libcurl to get
+information about the target file and output "headers" about it. The headers
+will be in "HTTP-style", looking like they do in HTTP.
+The option to enable headers or to run custom FTP commands may be useful to
+combine with CURLOPT_NOBODY. If this option is set, no actual file content
+transfer will be performed.
+If you do what list the contents of a FTP directory using your own defined FTP
+command, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST will do just that. "NLST" is the default one
+for listing directories but you're free to pass in your idea of a good
+.SH "Cookies Without Chocolate Chips"
+In the HTTP sense, a cookie is a name with an associated value. A server sends
+the name and value to the client, and expects it to get sent back on every
+subsequent request to the server that matches the particular conditions
+set. The conditions include that the domain name and path match and that the
+cookie hasn't become too old.
+In real-world cases, servers send new cookies to replace existing one to
+update them. Server use cookies to "track" users and to keep "sessions".
+Cookies are sent from server to clients with the header Set-Cookie: and
+they're sent from clients to servers with the Cookie: header.
+To just send whatever cookie you want to a server, you can use CURLOPT_COOKIE
+to set a cookie string like this:
+ curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_COOKIE, "name1=var1; name2=var2;");
+In many cases, that is not enough. You might want to dynamically save
+whatever cookies the remote server passes to you, and make sure those cookies
+are then use accordingly on later requests.
+One way to do this, is to save all headers you receive in a plain file and
+when you make a request, you tell libcurl to read the previous headers to
+figure out which cookies to use. Set header file to read cookies from with
+The CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE option also automatically enables the cookie parser in
+libcurl. Until the cookie parser is enabled, libcurl will not parse or
+understand incoming cookies and they will just be ignored. However, when the
+parser is enabled the cookies will be understood and the cookies will be kept
+in memory and used properly in subsequent requests when the same handle is
+used. Many times this is enough, and you may not have to save the cookies to
+disk at all. Note that the file you specify to CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE doesn't
+have to exist to enable the parser, so a common way to just enable the parser
+and not read able might be to use a file name you know doesn't exist.
+If you rather use existing cookies that you've previously received with your
+Netscape or Mozilla browsers, you can make libcurl use that cookie file as
+input. The CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE is used for that too, as libcurl will
+automatically find out what kind of file it is and act accordingly.
+The perhaps most advanced cookie operation libcurl offers, is saving the
+entire internal cookie state back into a Netscape/Mozilla formatted cookie
+file. We call that the cookie-jar. When you set a file name with
+CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, that file name will be created and all received cookies
+will be stored in it when curl_easy_cleanup() is called. This enabled cookies
+to get passed on properly between multiple handles without any information
+getting lost.
+.SH "FTP Peculiarities We Need"
+FTP transfers use a second TCP/IP connection for the data transfer. This is
+usually a fact you can forget and ignore but at times this fact will come
+back to haunt you. libcurl offers several different ways to custom how the
+second connection is being made.
+libcurl can either connect to the server a second time or tell the server to
+connect back to it. The first option is the default and it is also what works
+best for all the people behind firewalls, NATs or IP-masquerading setups.
+libcurl then tells the server to open up a new port and wait for a second
+connection. This is by default attempted with EPSV first, and if that doesn't
+work it tries PASV instead. (EPSV is an extension to the original FTP spec
+and does not exist nor work on all FTP servers.)
+You can prevent libcurl from first trying the EPSV command by setting
+In some cases, you will prefer to have the server connect back to you for the
+second connection. This might be when the server is perhaps behind a firewall
+or something and only allows connections on a single port. libcurl then
+informs the remote server which IP address and port number to connect to.
+This is made with the CURLOPT_FTPPORT option. If you set it to "-", libcurl
+will use your system's "default IP address". If you want to use a particular
+IP, you can set the full IP address, a host name to resolve to an IP address
+or even a local network interface name that libcurl will get the IP address
+When doing the "PORT" approach, libcurl will attempt to use the EPRT and the
+LPRT before trying PORT, as they work with more protocols. You can disable
+this behavior by setting CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPRT to FALSE.
+.SH "Headers Equal Fun"
+Some protocols provide "headers", meta-data separated from the normal
+data. These headers are by default not included in the normal data stream,
+but you can make them appear in the data stream by setting CURLOPT_HEADER to
+What might be even more useful, is libcurl's ability to separate the headers
+from the data and thus make the callbacks differ. You can for example set a
+different pointer to pass to the ordinary write callback by setting
+Or, you can set an entirely separate function to receive the headers, by
+The headers are passed to the callback function one by one, and you can
+depend on that fact. It makes it easier for you to add custom header parsers
+"Headers" for FTP transfers equal all the FTP server responses. They aren't
+actually true headers, but in this case we pretend they are! ;-)
+.SH "Post Transfer Information"
+ [ curl_easy_getinfo ]
+.SH "Security Considerations"
+libcurl is in itself not insecure. If used the right way, you can use libcurl
+to transfer data pretty safely.
+There are of course many things to consider that may loosen up this
+.IP "Command Lines"
+If you use a command line tool (such as curl) that uses libcurl, and you give
+option to the tool on the command line those options can very likely get read
+by other users of your system when they use 'ps' or other tools to list
+currently running processes.
+To avoid this problem, never feed sensitive things to programs using command
+line options.
+.IP ".netrc"
+\&.netrc is a pretty handy file/feature that allows you to login quickly and
+automatically to frequently visited sites. The file contains passwords in
+clear text and is a real security risk. In some cases, your .netrc is also
+stored in a home directory that is NFS mounted or used on another network
+based file system, so the clear text password will fly through your network
+every time anyone reads that file!
+To avoid this problem, don't use .netrc files and never store passwords in
+plain text anywhere.
+.IP "Clear Text Passwords"
+Many of the protocols libcurl supports send name and password unencrypted as
+clear text (HTTP Basic authentication, FTP, TELNET etc). It is very easy for
+anyone on your network or a network nearby yours, to just fire up a network
+analyzer tool and eavesdrop on your passwords. Don't let the fact that HTTP
+uses base64 encoded passwords fool you. They may not look readable at a first
+glance, but they very easily "deciphered" by anyone within seconds.
+To avoid this problem, use protocols that don't let snoopers see your
+password: HTTPS, FTPS and FTP-kerberos are a few examples. HTTP Digest
+authentication allows this too, but isn't supported by libcurl as of this
+.IP "Showing What You Do"
+On a related issue, be aware that even in situations like when you have
+problems with libcurl and ask someone for help, everything you reveal in order
+to get best possible help might also impose certain security related
+risks. Host names, user names, paths, operating system specifics etc (not to
+mention passwords of course) may in fact be used by intruders to gain
+additional information of a potential target.
+To avoid this problem, you must of course use your common sense. Often, you
+can just edit out the sensitive data or just search/replace your true
+information with faked data.
+.SH "Multiple Transfers Using the multi Interface"
+The easy interface as described in detail in this document is a synchronous
+interface that transfers one file at a time and doesn't return until its
+The multi interface on the other hand, allows your program to transfer
+multiple files in both directions at the same time, without forcing you to
+use multiple threads.
+To use this interface, you are better off if you first understand the basics
+of how to use the easy interface. The multi interface is simply a way to make
+multiple transfers at the same time, by adding up multiple easy handles in to
+a "multi stack".
+You create the easy handles you want and you set all the options just like
+you have been told above, and then you create a multi handle with
+curl_multi_init() and add all those easy handles to that multi handle with
+When you've added the handles you have for the moment (you can still add new
+ones at any time), you start the transfers by call curl_multi_perform().
+curl_multi_perform() is asynchronous. It will only execute as little as
+possible and then return back control to your program. It is designed to
+never block. If it returns CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM you better call it again
+soon, as that is a signal that it still has local data to send or remote data
+to receive.
+The best usage of this interface is when you do a select() on all possible
+file descriptors or sockets to know when to call libcurl again. This also
+makes it easy for you to wait and respond to actions on your own
+application's sockets/handles. You figure out what to select() for by using
+curl_multi_fdset(), that fills in a set of fd_set variables for you with the
+particular file descriptors libcurl uses for the moment.
+When you then call select(), it'll return when one of the file handles signal
+action and you then call curl_multi_perform() to allow libcurl to do what it
+wants to do. Take note that libcurl does also feature some time-out code so
+we advice you to never use very long timeouts on select() before you call
+curl_multi_perform(), which thus should be called unconditionally every now
+and then even if none of its file descriptors have signaled ready. Another
+precaution you should use: always call curl_multi_fdset() immediately before
+the select() call since the current set of file descriptors may change when
+calling a curl function.
+If you want to stop the transfer of one of the easy handles in the stack, you
+can use curl_multi_remove_handle() to remove individual easy
+handles. Remember that easy handles should be curl_easy_cleanup()ed.
+When a transfer within the multi stack has finished, the counter of running
+transfers (as filled in by curl_multi_perform()) will decrease. When the
+number reaches zero, all transfers are done.
+curl_multi_info_read() can be used to get information about completed
+transfers. It then returns the CURLcode for each easy transfer, to allow you
+to figure out success on each individual transfer.
+.SH "SSL, Certificates and Other Tricks"
+ [ seeding, passwords, keys, certificates, ENGINE, ca certs ]
+.SH "Sharing Data Between Easy Handles"
+ [ fill in ]
+.SH "Footnotes"
+.IP "[1]"
+libcurl 7.10.3 and later have the ability to switch over to chunked
+Transfer-Encoding in cases were HTTP uploads are done with data of an unknown
+.IP "[2]"
+This happens on Windows machines when libcurl is built and used as a
+DLL. However, you can still do this on Windows if you link with a static
+.IP "[3]"
+The curl-config tool is generated at build-time (on unix-like systems) and
+should be installed with the 'make install' or similar instruction that
+installs the library, header files, man pages etc.