path: root/docs/libcurl/curl_multi_perform.3
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2008-12-28Anthony Bryan's man page cleanup in language and spellingDaniel Stenberg
2006-09-21Extended the explanation for CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM somewhat.Daniel Stenberg
2006-01-02minor editsDaniel Stenberg
2004-10-03added info about how users get info (like the CURLcode return code) fromDaniel Stenberg
2004-03-24Tor Arntsen's major ispell patchDaniel Stenberg
2004-03-15random formatting updates to look better in HTML versionDaniel Stenberg
2002-12-03clarifiedDaniel Stenberg
2002-10-15Andr�s Garc�a's correctionsDaniel Stenberg
2002-03-04ripped out from ../ and put in its own directory nowDaniel Stenberg