path: root/vendor/github.com/cpucycle/astrotime
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authorBen Burwell <ben@benburwell.com>2018-05-25 00:01:10 -0400
committerBen Burwell <ben@benburwell.com>2018-05-25 00:01:10 -0400
commit483b758f27e212c0684cdb6ca065c56765818e26 (patch)
tree25b88300acbfd51191413eba1239af400d883400 /vendor/github.com/cpucycle/astrotime
parentd6b0483feb598a0c69c0d17a754545a9355e500c (diff)
Run dep init
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/github.com/cpucycle/astrotime')
2 files changed, 449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/cpucycle/astrotime/README.md b/vendor/github.com/cpucycle/astrotime/README.md
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+NOAA astrological algorithms for sunrise and sunset ported to Go
+// CalcSunrise calculates the sunrise, in local time, on the day t at the
+// location specified in longitude and latitude.
+func CalcSunrise(t time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) time.Time
+// NextSunrise returns date/time of the next sunrise after tAfter
+func NextSunrise(tAfter time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) (tSunrise time.Time)
+// CalcSunset calculates the sunset, in local time, on the day t at the
+// location specified in longitude and latitude.
+func CalcSunset(t time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) time.Time
+// NextSunset returns date/time of the next sunset after tAfter
+func NextSunset(tAfter time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) (tSunset time.Time)
+package main
+import (
+ "astrotime"
+ "fmt"
+ "time"
+const LATITUDE = float64(38.8895)
+const LONGITUDE = float64(77.0352)
+func main() {
+ t := astrotime.NextSunrise(time.Now(), LATITUDE, LONGITUDE)
+ tzname, _ := t.Zone()
+ fmt.Printf("The next sunrise at the Washington Monument is %d:%02d %s on %d/%d/%d.\n", t.Hour(), t.Minute(), tzname, t.Month(), t.Day(), t.Year())
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/cpucycle/astrotime/astrotime.go b/vendor/github.com/cpucycle/astrotime/astrotime.go
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+// NAA - NOAA's Astronomical Algorithms
+package astrotime
+// (JavaScript web page
+// http://www.srrb.noaa.gov/highlights/sunrise/sunrise.html by
+// Chris Cornwall, Aaron Horiuchi and Chris Lehman)
+// Ported to C++ by Pete Gray (petegray@ieee.org), July 2006
+// Released as Open Source and can be used in any way, as long as the
+// above description remains in place.
+import (
+ "math"
+ "time"
+// Conversions
+const (
+ RadToDeg = 180 / math.Pi
+ DegToRad = math.Pi / 180
+ RadToGrad = 200 / math.Pi
+ GradToDeg = math.Pi / 200
+// More time constants
+const (
+ OneDay = time.Hour * 24
+// CalcJD converts a time.Time object to a julian date
+func CalcJD(t time.Time) float64 {
+ y, m, d, hh, mm, ss, ms := t.Year(), int(t.Month()), t.Day(), t.Hour(), t.Minute(), t.Second(), t.Nanosecond()/1e6
+ // Calc integer part (days)
+ jday := (1461*(y+4800+(m-14)/12))/4 + (367*(m-2-12*((m-14)/12)))/12 - (3*((y+4900+(m-14)/12)/100))/4 + d - 32075
+ // Calc floating point part (fraction of a day)
+ jdatetime := float64(jday) + (float64(hh)-12.0)/24.0 + (float64(mm) / 1440.0) + (float64(ss) / 86400.0) + (float64(ms) / 86400000.0)
+ // Adjust to UT
+ _, zoneOffset := t.Zone()
+ return jdatetime + float64(zoneOffset)/86400
+// Name: calcTimeJulianCent
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: convert Julian Day to centuries since J2000.0.
+// Arguments:
+// jd : the Julian Day to convert
+// Return value:
+// the T value corresponding to the Julian Day
+func calcTimeJulianCent(t float64) float64 {
+ return (t - 2451545.0) / 36525.0
+// Name: calcJDFromJulianCent
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: convert centuries since J2000.0 to Julian Day.
+// Arguments:
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// Return value:
+// the Julian Day corresponding to the t value
+func calcJDFromJulianCent(t float64) float64 {
+ return t*36525.0 + 2451545.0
+// Name: calGeomMeanLongSun
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the Geometric Mean Longitude of the Sun
+// Arguments:
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// Return value:
+// the Geometric Mean Longitude of the Sun in degrees
+func calcGeomMeanLongSun(t float64) float64 {
+ L0 := 280.46646 + t*(36000.76983+0.0003032*t)
+ for L0 > 360.0 {
+ L0 -= 360.0
+ }
+ for L0 < 0.0 {
+ L0 += 360.0
+ }
+ return L0
+// Name: calcMeanObliquityOfEcliptic
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the mean obliquity of the ecliptic
+// Arguments:
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// Return value:
+// mean obliquity in degrees
+func calcMeanObliquityOfEcliptic(t float64) float64 {
+ seconds := 21.448 - t*(46.8150+t*(0.00059-t*(0.001813)))
+ return 23.0 + (26.0+(seconds/60.0))/60.0
+// Name: calcObliquityCorrection
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the corrected obliquity of the ecliptic
+// Arguments:
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// Return value:
+// corrected obliquity in degrees
+func calcObliquityCorrection(t float64) float64 {
+ e0 := calcMeanObliquityOfEcliptic(t)
+ omega := 125.04 - 1934.136*t
+ return e0 + 0.00256*math.Cos(omega*DegToRad)
+// Name: calcEccentricityEarthOrbit
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the eccentricity of earth's orbit
+// Arguments:
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// Return value:
+// the unitless eccentricity
+func calcEccentricityEarthOrbit(t float64) float64 {
+ return 0.016708634 - t*(0.000042037+0.0000001267*t)
+// Name: calGeomAnomalySun
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the Geometric Mean Anomaly of the Sun
+// Arguments:
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// Return value:
+// the Geometric Mean Anomaly of the Sun in degrees
+func calcGeomMeanAnomalySun(t float64) float64 {
+ return 357.52911 + t*(35999.05029-0.0001537*t)
+// Name: calcEquationOfTime
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the difference between true solar time and mean
+// solar time
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// Return value:
+// equation of time in minutes of time
+func calcEquationOfTime(t float64) float64 {
+ epsilon := calcObliquityCorrection(t)
+ l0 := calcGeomMeanLongSun(t)
+ e := calcEccentricityEarthOrbit(t)
+ m := calcGeomMeanAnomalySun(t)
+ y := math.Tan(DegToRad * epsilon / 2.0)
+ y *= y
+ sin2l0 := math.Sin(2.0 * DegToRad * l0)
+ sinm := math.Sin(DegToRad * m)
+ cos2l0 := math.Cos(2.0 * DegToRad * l0)
+ sin4l0 := math.Sin(4.0 * DegToRad * l0)
+ sin2m := math.Sin(2.0 * DegToRad * m)
+ Etime := y*sin2l0 - 2.0*e*sinm + 4.0*e*y*sinm*cos2l0 - 0.5*y*y*sin4l0 - 1.25*e*e*sin2m
+ return RadToDeg * Etime * 4.0
+// Name: calcSunEqOfCenter
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the equation of center for the sun
+// Arguments:
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// Return value:
+// in degrees
+func calcSunEqOfCenter(t float64) float64 {
+ m := calcGeomMeanAnomalySun(t)
+ mrad := DegToRad * m
+ sinm := math.Sin(mrad)
+ sin2m := math.Sin(mrad + mrad)
+ sin3m := math.Sin(mrad + mrad + mrad)
+ return sinm*(1.914602-t*(0.004817+0.000014*t)) + sin2m*(0.019993-0.000101*t) + sin3m*0.000289
+// Name: calcSunTrueLong
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the true longitude of the sun
+// Arguments:
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// Return value:
+// sun's true longitude in degrees
+func calcSunTrueLong(t float64) float64 {
+ l0 := calcGeomMeanLongSun(t)
+ c := calcSunEqOfCenter(t)
+ return l0 + c
+// Name: calcSunApparentLong
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the apparent longitude of the sun
+// Arguments:
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// Return value:
+// sun's apparent longitude in degrees
+func calcSunApparentLong(t float64) float64 {
+ o := calcSunTrueLong(t)
+ omega := 125.04 - 1934.136*t
+ return o - 0.00569 - 0.00478*math.Sin(DegToRad*omega)
+// Name: calcSunDeclination
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the declination of the sun
+// Arguments:
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// Return value:
+// sun's declination in degrees
+func calcSunDeclination(t float64) float64 {
+ e := calcObliquityCorrection(t)
+ lambda := calcSunApparentLong(t)
+ sint := math.Sin(DegToRad*e) * math.Sin(DegToRad*lambda)
+ return RadToDeg * math.Asin(sint)
+// Name: calcHourAngleSunrise
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the hour angle of the sun at sunrise for the
+// latitude
+// lat : latitude of observer in degrees
+// solarDec : declination angle of sun in degrees
+//Return value:
+// hour angle of sunrise in radians
+func calcHourAngleSunrise(lat float64, solarDec float64) float64 {
+ latRad := DegToRad * lat
+ sdRad := DegToRad * solarDec
+ return (math.Acos(math.Cos(DegToRad*90.833)/(math.Cos(latRad)*math.Cos(sdRad)) - math.Tan(latRad)*math.Tan(sdRad)))
+// Name: calcSolNoonUTC
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) of solar
+// noon for the given day at the given location on earth
+// Arguments:
+// t : number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
+// longitude : longitude of observer in degrees
+// Return value:
+// time in minutes from zero Z
+func calcSolNoonUTC(t float64, longitude float64) float64 {
+ // First pass uses approximate solar noon to calculate eqtime
+ tnoon := calcTimeJulianCent(calcJDFromJulianCent(t) + longitude/360.0)
+ eqTime := calcEquationOfTime(tnoon)
+ solNoonUTC := 720 + (longitude * 4) - eqTime
+ newt := calcTimeJulianCent(calcJDFromJulianCent(t) - 0.5 + solNoonUTC/1440.0)
+ eqTime = calcEquationOfTime(newt)
+ return 720 + (longitude * 4) - eqTime
+// Name: calcSunriseUTC
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) of sunrise
+// for the given day at the given location on earth
+// Arguments:
+// JD : julian day
+// latitude : latitude of observer in degrees
+// longitude : longitude of observer in degrees
+// Return value:
+// time in minutes from zero Z
+// Calculate the UTC sunrise for the given day at the given location
+func calcSunriseUTC(jd float64, latitude float64, longitude float64) float64 {
+ t := calcTimeJulianCent(jd)
+ // *** Find the time of solar noon at the location, and use
+ // that declination. This is better than start of the
+ // Julian day
+ noonmin := calcSolNoonUTC(t, longitude)
+ tnoon := calcTimeJulianCent(jd + noonmin/1440.0)
+ // *** First pass to approximate sunrise (using solar noon)
+ eqTime := calcEquationOfTime(tnoon)
+ solarDec := calcSunDeclination(tnoon)
+ hourAngle := calcHourAngleSunrise(latitude, solarDec)
+ delta := longitude - RadToDeg*hourAngle
+ timeDiff := 4 * delta
+ timeUTC := 720 + timeDiff - eqTime
+ // *** Second pass includes fractional jday in gamma calc
+ newt := calcTimeJulianCent(calcJDFromJulianCent(t) + timeUTC/1440.0)
+ eqTime = calcEquationOfTime(newt)
+ solarDec = calcSunDeclination(newt)
+ hourAngle = calcHourAngleSunrise(latitude, solarDec)
+ delta = longitude - RadToDeg*hourAngle
+ timeDiff = 4 * delta
+ timeUTC = 720 + timeDiff - eqTime
+ return timeUTC
+// CalcSunrise calculates the sunrise, in local time, on the day t at the
+// location specified in longitude and latitude.
+func CalcSunrise(t time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) time.Time {
+ jd := CalcJD(t)
+ sunriseUTC := time.Duration(math.Floor(calcSunriseUTC(jd, latitude, longitude)*60) * 1e9)
+ loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("UTC")
+ return time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, loc).Add(sunriseUTC).In(t.Location())
+// Name: calcHourAngleSunset
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the hour angle of the sun at sunset for the
+// latitude
+// Arguments:
+// lat : latitude of observer in degrees
+// solarDec : declination angle of sun in degrees
+// Return value:
+// hour angle of sunset in radians
+func calcHourAngleSunset(lat float64, solarDec float64) float64 {
+ latRad := DegToRad * lat
+ sdRad := DegToRad * solarDec
+ HA := (math.Acos(math.Cos(DegToRad*90.833)/(math.Cos(latRad)*math.Cos(sdRad)) - math.Tan(latRad)*math.Tan(sdRad)))
+ return -HA // in radians
+// Name: calcSunsetUTC
+// Type: Function
+// Purpose: calculate the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) of sunset
+// for the given day at the given location on earth
+// JD : julian day
+// latitude : latitude of observer in degrees
+// longitude : longitude of observer in degrees
+// Return value:
+// time in minutes from zero Z
+func calcSunsetUTC(jd float64, latitude float64, longitude float64) float64 {
+ t := calcTimeJulianCent(jd)
+ // *** Find the time of solar noon at the location, and use
+ // that declination. This is better than start of the
+ // Julian day
+ noonmin := calcSolNoonUTC(t, longitude)
+ tnoon := calcTimeJulianCent(jd + noonmin/1440.0)
+ // First calculates sunrise and approx length of day
+ eqTime := calcEquationOfTime(tnoon)
+ solarDec := calcSunDeclination(tnoon)
+ hourAngle := calcHourAngleSunset(latitude, solarDec)
+ delta := longitude - RadToDeg*hourAngle
+ timeDiff := 4 * delta
+ timeUTC := 720 + timeDiff - eqTime
+ // first pass used to include fractional day in gamma calc
+ newt := calcTimeJulianCent(calcJDFromJulianCent(t) + timeUTC/1440.0)
+ eqTime = calcEquationOfTime(newt)
+ solarDec = calcSunDeclination(newt)
+ hourAngle = calcHourAngleSunset(latitude, solarDec)
+ delta = longitude - RadToDeg*hourAngle
+ timeDiff = 4 * delta
+ return 720 + timeDiff - eqTime
+// CalcSunset calculates the sunset, in local time, on the day t at the
+// location specified in longitude and latitude.
+func CalcSunset(t time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) time.Time {
+ jd := CalcJD(t)
+ sunsetUTC := time.Duration(math.Floor(calcSunsetUTC(jd, latitude, longitude)*60) * 1e9)
+ loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("UTC")
+ return time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, loc).Add(sunsetUTC).In(t.Location())
+// NextSunrise returns date/time of the next sunrise after tAfter
+func NextSunrise(tAfter time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) (tSunrise time.Time) {
+ tSunrise = CalcSunrise(tAfter, latitude, longitude)
+ if tAfter.After(tSunrise) {
+ tSunrise = CalcSunrise(tAfter.Add(OneDay), latitude, longitude)
+ }
+ return
+// NextSunset returns date/time of the next sunset after tAfter
+func NextSunset(tAfter time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) (tSunset time.Time) {
+ tSunset = CalcSunset(tAfter, latitude, longitude)
+ if tAfter.After(tSunset) {
+ tSunset = CalcSunset(tAfter.Add(OneDay), latitude, longitude)
+ }
+ return