diff options
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/hw09.scm b/hw09.scm
index 3f906df..bf05952 100644
--- a/hw09.scm
+++ b/hw09.scm
@@ -53,6 +53,16 @@
(expression ("emptylist(" type-exp ")") emptylist-expr)
+ (expression ("cons(" expression "," expression ")") cons-expr)
+ (expression ("car(" expression ")") car-expr)
+ (expression ("cdr(" expression ")") cdr-expr)
+ (expression ("list(" (separated-list expression ",") ")") list-expr)
+ (expression ("null?(" expression ")") null?-expr)
; (3.1) primitive operations
(primitive ("+") add-prim)
@@ -63,17 +73,11 @@
(primitive ("zero?") zero-prim)
; (4.2) types
- (type-exp ("int") int-type-exp)
- (type-exp ("bool") bool-type-exp)
- (type-exp (identifier) tid-type-exp)
- (type-exp ("(" (separated-list type-exp "*") "->" type-exp ")") proc-type-exp)
- (type-exp ("listof" type-exp) listof-type-exp)
- (primitive ("cons") cons-prim)
- (primitive ("car") car-prim)
- (primitive ("cdr") cdr-prim)
- (primitive ("list") list-prim)
- (primitive ("null?") null-prim)
+ (type-exp ("int") int-type-exp)
+ (type-exp ("bool") bool-type-exp)
+ (type-exp (identifier) tid-type-exp)
+ (type-exp ("(" (separated-list type-exp "*") "->" type-exp ")") proc-type-exp)
+ (type-exp ("listof" type-exp) listof-type-exp)
@@ -115,7 +119,7 @@
(expand-type-expressions arg-texps tenv)
(expand-type-expression result-texp tenv) ))
- (listof-type-exp (type) (list-type type))
+ (listof-type-exp (type) (list-type (expand-type-expression type)))
@@ -187,10 +191,41 @@
type-name texp
result-texps proc-names texpss idss bodies body tenv))
- (emptylist-expr (type-name) (list-type type-name))
+ (emptylist-expr (type-name) (list-type (expand-type-expression type-name tenv)))
+ (cons-expr (lst1 lst2) (cases type (type-of-expression lst2 tenv)
+ (list-type (item) (if (equal? item (type-of-expression lst1 tenv))
+ (type-of-expression lst2 tenv)
+ (eopl:error "cons'd the wrong types!")))
+ (else (eopl:error "NOT a LIST!"))))
+ (car-expr (lst) (cases type (type-of-expression lst tenv)
+ (list-type (item) item)
+ (else (eopl:error "bad no stop go away"))
+ ))
+ (cdr-expr (lst) (cases type (type-of-expression lst tenv)
+ (list-type (thing) (type-of-expression lst tenv))
+ (else (eopl:error "BLARGH YOU used not a LIST for CDR!!!"))
+ ))
+ (list-expr (args) (list-type (list-type-helper args tenv)))
+ (null?-expr (lst) bool-type)
+(define list-type-helper
+ (lambda (args tenv)
+ (if (equal? (length args) 1)
+ (type-of-expression (car args) tenv)
+ (if (equal?
+ (type-of-expression (car args) tenv)
+ (type-of-expression (cadr args) tenv))
+ (list-type-helper (cdr args) tenv)
+ (eopl:error "Y U NO USE SAYM TYPEZ?")))))
; get list of types for list of expressions (typically operands)
(define types-of-expressions
(lambda (rands tenv)
@@ -205,12 +240,6 @@
(incr-prim () (proc-type (list int-type) int-type))
(decr-prim () (proc-type (list int-type) int-type))
(zero-prim () (proc-type (list int-type) bool-type))
- (cons-prim () 1)
- (car-prim () 1)
- (cdr-prim () 1)
- (list-prim () 1)
- (null-prim () 1)
(define type-of-proc-expr
@@ -382,7 +411,7 @@
(proc-type (arg-types result-type)
(append (arg-types-to-external-form arg-types) '(->)
(list (type-to-external-form result-type)) ))
- (list-type (item-type) 'asdf)
+ (list-type (item-type) (list 'list-of (type-to-external-form item-type)))
(define arg-types-to-external-form
@@ -433,6 +462,16 @@
(emptylist-expr (type) '())
+ (cons-expr (lst1 lst2) (cons (eval-expression lst1 env) (eval-expression lst2 env)))
+ (car-expr (lst) (car (eval-expression lst env)))
+ (cdr-expr (lst) (cdr (eval-expression lst env)))
+ (list-expr (args) (eval-rands args env))
+ (null?-expr (lst) (null? (eval-expression lst env)))
(define eval-program
@@ -461,12 +500,6 @@
(incr-prim () (+ (car args) 1))
(decr-prim () (- (car args) 1))
(zero-prim () (if (zero? (car args)) 1 0))
- (cons-prim () (cons (car args) (cadr args)))
- (car-prim () (caar args))
- (cdr-prim () (cdar args))
- (list-prim () args)
- (null-prim () (if (null? (car args)) 1 0))
; ------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -628,5 +661,11 @@
in (apply-ff ff1 2)")
(type&run test-4.3b)
-(define repl read-eval-print)
-(repl) \ No newline at end of file
+; 4.9 Tests
+(type&run "emptylist(int)")
+(type&run "list(1,2,3,4,5)")
+(type&run "null?(emptylist(int))")
+(type&run "cons(1,cdr(list(2,3,4)))")
+(type&run "list(list(2,3),list(4,5,6))")
+(type&run "car(car(cdr(list(list(2,3),list(4,5,6)))))")
+(type&run "list(list(2,3),4)")