path: root/src/main/java/com/benburwell/planes/gui/aircraftmap/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/com/benburwell/planes/gui/aircraftmap/')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/benburwell/planes/gui/aircraftmap/ b/src/main/java/com/benburwell/planes/gui/aircraftmap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fad1082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/benburwell/planes/gui/aircraftmap/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+package com.benburwell.planes.gui.aircraftmap;
+import com.benburwell.planes.gui.GraphicsTheme;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Created by ben on 11/19/16.
+ */
+public class AircraftMap extends JPanel {
+ // geographic constants
+ public final double MAX_LATITUDE = 90.0;
+ public final double MIN_LATITUDE = -90.0;
+ public final double MAX_LONGITUDE = 180.0;
+ public final double MIN_LONGITUDE = -180.0;
+ public final double NAUTICAL_MILES_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE = 60.0;
+ // drawing constants
+ public final float FONT_SIZE = 12;
+ public final int TEXT_PADDING = 5;
+ public final int NUMBER_OF_RANGE_RINGS = 5;
+ // map manipulation constants
+ public final int MIN_ZOOM_PIXELS_PER_MILE = 1;
+ public final int MAX_ZOOM_PIXELS_PER_MILE = 2000;
+ public final double PAN_INTERVAL_MILES = 1.0;
+ // instance fields
+ private List<Drawable> planes = new ArrayList<>();
+ private double centerLatitude;
+ private double centerLongitude;
+ private int pixelsPerNauticalMile = 10;
+ /**
+ * Construct a map
+ */
+ public AircraftMap() {
+ super();
+ this.setBackground(GraphicsTheme.Colors.BASE_1);
+ this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder());
+ this.setCenter(0, 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Paint the ViewComponent on a Graphics instance
+ *
+ * @param g the graphics context to paint on
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
+ super.paintComponent(g);
+ this.drawPositionAndScale(g);
+ this.drawRange(g);
+ this.planes.forEach(item -> item.drawOn(g, this));
+ }
+ public void drawPositionAndScale(Graphics g) {
+ Font currentFont = g.getFont();
+ Font newFont = currentFont.deriveFont(FONT_SIZE);
+ g.setFont(newFont);
+ g.setColor(GraphicsTheme.Colors.BLUE);
+ g.drawString(String.format("%08.5f N", this.centerLatitude), TEXT_PADDING, (int) FONT_SIZE + TEXT_PADDING);
+ g.drawString(String.format("%08.5f E", this.centerLongitude), TEXT_PADDING, (int) FONT_SIZE * 2 + TEXT_PADDING);
+ g.drawString(String.format("%d nm", this.getRangeRadius()), TEXT_PADDING, (int) FONT_SIZE * 3 + TEXT_PADDING);
+ }
+ public int getRangeRadius() {
+ double milesHigh = this.getHeight() / this.getPixelsPerNauticalMile();
+ double milesWide = this.getWidth() / this.getPixelsPerNauticalMile();
+ double screenMiles = Math.min(milesHigh, milesWide);
+ int milesPerRing = (int) screenMiles / NUMBER_OF_RANGE_RINGS;
+ return milesPerRing;
+ }
+ public List<Integer> getRangeRadii() {
+ int rangeRadius = this.getRangeRadius();
+ List<Integer> radii = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int ringNumber = 1; ringNumber <= NUMBER_OF_RANGE_RINGS; ringNumber++) {
+ radii.add(rangeRadius * ringNumber);
+ }
+ return radii;
+ }
+ public void drawRange(Graphics g) {
+ int centerX = this.getWidth() / 2;
+ int centerY = this.getHeight() / 2;
+ g.setColor(GraphicsTheme.Colors.BASE_3);
+ for (Integer radius : this.getRangeRadii()) {
+ int pixelRadius = (int) (this.getPixelsPerNauticalMile() * radius);
+ g.drawOval(centerX - pixelRadius, centerY - pixelRadius, pixelRadius * 2, pixelRadius * 2);
+ }
+ g.drawLine(centerX, 0, centerX, this.getHeight());
+ g.drawLine(0, centerY, this.getWidth(), centerY);
+ }
+ public void setPlanes(List<Drawable> planes) {
+ this.planes = planes;
+ this.redraw();
+ }
+ public void redraw() {
+ this.invalidate();
+ this.validate();
+ this.repaint();
+ }
+ public void setCenter(double latitude, double longitude) {
+ this.centerLatitude = latitude;
+ this.centerLongitude = longitude;
+ this.redraw();
+ }
+ public double getCenterLatitude() {
+ return this.centerLatitude;
+ }
+ public double getCenterLongitude() {
+ return this.centerLongitude;
+ }
+ public double getPixelsPerDegreeLatitude() {
+ return this.pixelsPerNauticalMile * NAUTICAL_MILES_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE;
+ }
+ public double getPixelsPerDegreeLongitude() {
+ return this.pixelsPerNauticalMile * this.getNauticalMilesPerDegreeLongitude();
+ }
+ public double getNauticalMilesPerDegreeLongitude() {
+ double milesPerDegree = Math.abs(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(this.centerLatitude)) * NAUTICAL_MILES_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE);
+ return milesPerDegree;
+ }
+ public double getPixelsPerNauticalMile() {
+ return this.pixelsPerNauticalMile;
+ }
+ public void zoomIn() {
+ this.pixelsPerNauticalMile = Math.min(MAX_ZOOM_PIXELS_PER_MILE, this.pixelsPerNauticalMile * 2);
+ this.redraw();
+ }
+ public void zoomOut() {
+ this.pixelsPerNauticalMile = Math.max(MIN_ZOOM_PIXELS_PER_MILE, this.pixelsPerNauticalMile / 2);
+ this.redraw();
+ }
+ public void moveEast() {
+ double degreesToMove = PAN_INTERVAL_MILES / this.getNauticalMilesPerDegreeLongitude();
+ this.centerLongitude = Math.min(this.centerLongitude + degreesToMove, MAX_LONGITUDE);
+ this.redraw();
+ }
+ public void moveWest() {
+ double degreesToMove = PAN_INTERVAL_MILES / this.getNauticalMilesPerDegreeLongitude();
+ this.centerLongitude = Math.max(this.centerLongitude - degreesToMove, MIN_LONGITUDE);
+ this.redraw();
+ }
+ public void moveNorth() {
+ this.centerLatitude = Math.min(this.centerLatitude + degreesToMove, MAX_LATITUDE);
+ this.redraw();
+ }
+ public void moveSouth() {
+ this.centerLatitude = Math.max(this.centerLatitude - degreesToMove, MIN_LATITUDE);
+ this.redraw();
+ }