AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-09-18switch to go modulesHEADmasterBen Burwell
2015-11-19Merge pull request #1 from benburwell/distance-calcBen Burwell
Add distance calculation functionality
2015-11-19Update readmeBen Burwell
2015-11-19Add distance calculationBen Burwell
2015-11-18Add app.json for Heroku deploymentBen Burwell
2015-11-18Testing Heroku...Ben Burwell
2015-11-18Get rid of unnecessary whitespaceBen Burwell
2015-11-18Deduplicate string -> float64 conversionBen Burwell
Created a function to convert lat & long from strings to floats. Handling an improperly formatted file will not be supported; if this occurs, the lat & long returned from the API will just be (0,0).
2015-11-18Allow use of different ports for the zipserverBen Burwell
Let users pick a port to run the server on by specifying a PORT environment variable. If this value is not specified, fall back to 8080.
2015-11-18Update readmeBen Burwell
2015-11-18Initial commitBen Burwell